A.D. Keller
3 min readJan 28, 2021

A lot of people want to be in a relationship and that's good. We are made to be in relationships. But do we understand how to make a relationship work? Most people do not understand how to get a heaven on earth kind of relationship and they pay a heavy penalty for it. Truth be told, most of the relationships in this generation is a little hell on earth!

I'm not kidding. I'm keeping it raw and real to help you.

Most people think that relationships are all happiness, joy, and bliss. But in reality, if not done right, relationships in the final days of this earth's history could be one of the most dangerous things that you ever enter into!

The Lord has cautioned us in the last days of earth's history on marriage. We MUST be in prayer in order to get this right. If you can get the relationship part right you have mastered the game of life. On the other hand, if you mess up on this point, it could cost you your eternal salvation.

There is no middle ground.

If it doesn't work you can actually be damaged for life. We don't think nor understand how our fallen nature's will react in a relationship when the tough things of life hits us.

When you first get into a relationship the human nature is under restriction. It's under restriction for about six months to two years. It could be more or less for some relationships. But the real relationship starts after the restraint on the human nature is removed. Then you'll see who you really have.

Most of us don't even know ourselves. Remember the Bible says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)

They say it takes a lot of WORK to make a relationship WORK. This is true and is well worth the work if you have the RIGHT PERSON. But if you have the wrong person and trying to make it work you're in serious trouble and serious danger. I have 12 years of experience in a courtship/relationship and I'm still not married yet!

When I first got into my relationship and recognized that it was from God and extremely serious, we asked Him to never get us married until we're ready. We asked God to prevent us from having a divorce and a hell on earth relationship. And over 12 years God has been deeply working on us to get us prepared and ready for marriage. (A happy one)

Here are some things to think about:

1. Is the person really connected to God and have a deep knowledge of His Word? The man MUST give His family the bread of life and be able to lead spiritually.

2. Is the person a Seventh-day Adventist?

3. If he's a man, does he love his mom?

4. If he has sisters how does he treat his sisters? Our sisters must understand that how a man treats his mother and his sisters this is exactly how he will treat you.

5. Brothers, If she's a woman how does she treat her father and how is her relationship with her brothers? Our brothers must understand that how she treats her father and brothers this exactly how she will treat you.

6. Ae you praying for Godly in-laws? If you're not praying for Godly in-laws, nine times out of ten you're going to get in a relationship with in-laws that are horrifying! And horrifying in-laws will put an extreme strain on your relationship.

These are just a few things to think about. Again I have 12 years of experience in a courtship and most of us don't even really think about these important questions. But trust me, they can save you from extreme trouble and put you in an extremely happy relationship if taken serious.

So take these things to God in prayer and really start praying!

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