A Study on a Trip Into the Supernatural p. 1
I want to pick out of this powerful book some of the things that has touched me. I have been studying this testimony for over 15 years now! I’m a dedicated Seventh Day Adventist and this testimony is the very reason why!
“As I started to pick up a book to read, the piece of paper with the message on it to phone Roland began to levitate around the room; then it slapped against my open book with such force that it knocked the volume out of my hands and almost fell off my lap. My first impulse was to tell the spirit a thing or two, but I had determined that regardless of what took place, I would not get involved in verbal communication with it. Placing the piece of paper between pages of the book I continued to read. A short while later a force pulled the book out of my hands and threw it against the wall on the opposite side of the room.” (A Trip Into the Supernatural page. 12)
Roger Morneau (the man whom God saved from demon worship) was supposed to commit to demon worship and fully sell his soul to the devil on Wednesday night at one of their worship services. But instead of going to the demon worship house he was in a Bible study with Seventh Day Adventist, the most hated on the face of the planet by Satan and his angels.
This incident took place on a Saturday night. The demon spirit was in a serious and fearful struggle. If Morneau breaks away from demon worship, Christ will use his testimony to open up the behind-the-scenes workings of the powers of darkness. This they were DESPERATE to stop. Nobody who have ever entered this secret society ever got out alive.
The members of this satanic society will tell you a whole lot of their secrets because if someone goes astray, the spirits will kill them. This happened to many people who got involved with demon spirits and wanted to get out. As soon as they try to leave the society, demons will cause an “accident” or something and kill them.
But Morneau called on the name of the Lord which enabled Christ to give him special help because the Bible says, “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
A demon visited Morneau’s apartment and had a message on it to call his friend Roland. Why did the spirit want him to call his friend? Obviously Christ had the spirits under special control where they could not talk to him. They could talk to Roland because he was fully in and surrendered to them. The spirits gave Roland the exact words to say to Morneau to try to bring him back to spirit worship.
As the paper was floating around, Morneau seemed like he wasn’t paying much attention to it so the spirit got angry and slapped the paper on the book so hard that it fell out of his hands. He wanted to tell the spirit a ‘’thing or two,” but he told himself that he would not get involved in talking to spirits. They are cleaver and lying spirits and it is not safe to talk to them.
The spirit saw that Morneau seemed not to fear nor pay attention to what it wanted him to do, so it pulled the book out of his hand and threw it against the wall. After this happened Morneau decided to go and call his friend out of respect for him.
Morneau went down the street to some phone booth to call his friend. It was about 1 am in the morning. When his friend picked up the phone he was extremely stressed out. He called Morneau a dare devil and then told him that he is gambling with his life and at the same time lost his mind for turning against the spirits.
Roland told Morneau that he was in great trouble and that he has went way too far with “trying to be brave.” Roland always looked up to Morneau’s bravery and toughness, BUT NOT NOW! His friend was scared for Morneau’s life and also for Satan’s secrets to be EXPOSED to the world.
Like I said, I have been studying this testimony for over 15 years and now it’s time to EXPOSE Satan and his secret society as revealed in Morneau’s testimony! I always wanted to do this and the time has finally arrived. I have read the book and listened to the testimony so many times over the years that I’m writing on it now. I can’t put the whole book on my blog as that is against copy writing laws, but I can take excerpts from the book and expound on it.
This is what I’m doing now as I write this post. I’m explaining Morneau’s conversation with his friend as it is recorded in the book, so you’re getting the same material in the book, but it’s just in my own way of explaining it. When you see word in quotations, this is directly from the book. I’m explaining chapter 1.
“You’ve turned against the spirit that have benefited you, and now they will destroy you. I’m surprised you’re still alive.” (Trip Into Supernatural p. 12)
Roland was his friend who led him into demon worship and he said that the spirits benefited him. Demon spirits will benefit those who are super devoted to the cause of Satan. Nobody can enter into a society like this unless they are invited by the demon spirits themselves and only by the high ranking demons in the spirit world.
How much more will Christ benefit those who are super devoted to His cause. When studying this testimony you must understand that Christ is willing to do WAY MORE for His people than Satan will do for his people. But on both sides 100% dedication and devotion is required. Don’t think that Satan will benefit his people if they are not 100% devoted to and obedient to him, and don’t think that Christ will benefit His people AS HE WOULD LOVE TO if they are not 100% devoted and dedicated to Him.
As they continued to talk, Roland told Morneau that he did not understand the extent of the danger he was in. He informed Morneau that when he went to their satanic worship house on Wednesday, the day Morneau was supposed to make a deep commitment to spirit worship, the satanist priest immediately called him into the office. The priest asked Roland if he saw Morneau in the past week.
Roland said that he haven’t seen him and thought that something bad happened to him because of the look of the satanist priest. Roland asked the priest if Morneau had died and the priest said he was in a situation more horrible than that. Roland said to Morneau as they continued to talk on the phone:
“On Tuesday night during the sacred hour of midnight, a spirit counselor appeared to him (the satanist priest) and told him that you were studying the Bible with Sabbath keepers-the very people the master (Satan) hates most on the face of the earth.” (Trip into Supernatural p. 12)
A spirit counselor is also know as a chief counselor in the spirit world. These are elite and very high ranking spirits that rule over thousands of fallen angels. Satan runs his kingdom very organized and I believe that the spirit counselors were holy angels that held very high position in the heavenly courts before the fell.
The spirit counselor told the satanist priest that Morneau was studying the Bible with Sabbath keepers! Sabbath keepers or Seventh Day Adventist are identified by the powers of darkness as the people whom Satan hate most on the face of the planet.
When I first heard this I was super fascinated off Sabbath keepers. I was a Sunday keeper when I first heard this in 2005, fifteen years ago. When I came into the Seventh Day Adventist Church and started studying, I saw why Satan hates us most on the face of the planet. We have been given the three angel’s messages and the Spirit of Prophecy! The three angel’s messages will destroy Satan and the Spirit of Prophecy reveals all his secrets!
As Roland and Morneau continued to talk he told Morneau that the high priest called him around 6:30 pm to let him know that Morneau was in church with Sabbath keepers today. Christ used an Adventist couple to give Morneau Bible studies and his situation was so severe and critical that the Holy Ghost moved upon them to covered 28 studies in one week! The Adventist couple then invited Morneau to attend church and keep the Sabbath.
The spirits told the satanist priest that Morneau was in church and observed the Sabbath. Roland said because Morneau observed the Sabbath that day and was in church Satan was extremely angry. When Morneau heard that Satan was super angry at him for Sabbath keeping he said:
“Yes I have been studying the Bible and I have gone to a Sabbath-observing church. But I couldn’t care less about the way the fallen cherub feels about me. If you would like to know more about my activities during the past week, why don’t you come over to see me in the morning.” (Trip Into Supernatural p. 13)
I will end here. Keep an eye out for part 2.