Battle Season and Temptation Strengths
It’s battle season! Combat wisdom number one is "Recognize when it’s battle season," and yesterday, 10/11/21 I entered into Spirit of Prophecy battle season.
Battle season is when you receive back to back to back temptations. When Satan through his demons bring constant temptations to you, this means that bullets are constantly being shot at you.
His fiery darts are his temptations.
"Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the FIERY DARTS of the wicked."
(Ephesians 6:16 KJV
In war if the enemy FIRES at you this is the same as being SHOT AT. So in spiritual war when a demon fires a temptation at you this is the same as being shot at and if you think this is fake you can end up killed spiritually and physically!
Yesterday, 10/11/21 somebody said something to me which led me to go immediately to the Lord, and then temptations started being shot at me. I used my sets to resist and overcome the temptation. It took about three to five sets of combinations to resist temptation. This was the first temptation.
Nothing flashed in my mind regarding battle season because the Spirit of Prophecy Seal is in non-stop, all-out, deadly conflict with the powers of darkness. Spiritual combat becomes first nature. Quenching fiery darts, blasting Scriptures at demons (battle skill number four), and constant combat is a thing of the norm for a S.O.P Seal.
But the repetition and strength of the temptation must be taken into consideration to determine if you have entered into battle season or not. Temptation falls under three strengths.
Level One Strength Temptation - A level one strength temptation is not that strong, but since it’s a temptation you must exercise faith (use sets) to resist it. If you don’t use sets to resist a level one strength temptation eventually that temptation can turn into a level two or three. You can use combat weapon number one, the 5/5/1 Spirit of Prophecy S.E.P to resist it. It may take something like two to four sets to resist a level one strength temptation.
It is extremely important to resist every single temptation whether the strength is a level one, two, or three, by exercising faith.
Level Two Strength Temptation - A level two strength temptation is a strong temptation and dangerous. Under a temptation at this level you must use combat weapon number 4, the 25/10/5 Spirit of Prophecy S.E.P. You can either use a session (four sets) of the 25/10/5 alone or a 25/10/5 combination. But if you're facing a level two strength temptation you must use combat weapon number four.
If you have your own sets, combat weapon number four represents your second largest set that you have. My second largest set is the 25/10/5, therefore combat weapon number four is the 25/10/5 for me. You also must use battle skill number four in connection with combat weapon number four under a level two strength temptation.
Level Three Strength Temptation - A level three strength temptation is extremely dangerous. This is the strongest of the temptations. You must use combat weapon number five, the 50/20/10 Spirit of Prophecy S.E.P. You can either use a session (four sets) of the 50/20/10 alone or a 50/20/10 combination. But if you're facing a level three strength temptation you must use combat weapon number five.
You also must use battle skill number four in connection with combat weapon number five under a level three strength temptation.
How do you know when it's battle season? If you receive two or more level two or three strength temptations in one day, IT'S BATTLE SEASON!
If you receive level two or three strength temptations for three days in a row IT'S BATTLE SEASON! Also the Spirit of God with impress you when it's Battle season.
My second temptation that I received on October 11th 2021 was when I was driving and somebody called me. And the information that they gave me brought me under temptation. It was a level two strength temptation and I used my sets and overcame it.
And the third temptation that I received on October 11th 2021, was when I was talking face-to-face with somebody. Satan use them to tell me something that was extremely negative and it brought me under strong temptation. It was something somebody else told them that they were repeating to me. It was something negative about me that a demon clearly made up. Combat wisdom clearly told me that a demon was behind this.
This was the strongest temptation, it was a level 3 strength temptation and my feelings were deeply disturbed. Then a little later as I was struggling to use sets to overcome the temptation, the Spirit of God flashed in my mind, "IT'S BATTLE SEASON!"
Under a level three strength temptation, at times it's difficult to focus on sets because your feelings are deeply disturbed. But it's essential to resist your feelings and get to sets or you will be overcome.
After I recognized it was Battle season my whole mindset changed.
How to determine the strength of the temptation - Your feelings will determine the strength of the temptation whether it's a level one, two, or three. All of our temptations are different. A level 3 strength temptation for me might be a level one strength temptation to you. Therefore only you and your feelings can determine if it's a level one, two, or three strength temptation.
A level one strength temptation won't cause your feelings to be deeply disturbed. You may feel something real quick but it's not that bad. Also facing a level one strength temptation, your flesh won't be pulled to it. The flesh may slightly move, but not that much. This is a level 1 strength temptation.
A level 2 strength temptation would cause your feelings to be disturbed. Your feelings may not be deeply disturbed, but your feelings are not the same as before the temptation. And if you don't do nothing about this by using sets your feelings will get disturbed deeper and it will turn into a level three. Also under a level two strength temptation your flesh would be pulled towards the temptation. Again if you don't resist the temptation by using sets you will fall under this temptation.
A level 3 strength temptation would cause your feelings to be deeply disturbed. When you're facing a level 3 strength temptation, due to your disturbed feelings, demons will start bringing other temptations to you. So you would be under the main temptation that demons brought to you plus other temptations at the same time. This is also why this is the most dangerous of the temptations and the hardest to resist. Most people will not overcome a level 3 strength temptation because they won’t use battle skills.
"In Christ God has provided means for subduing every sinful trait and RESISTING EVERY temptation however strong." (Desire of Ages p. 429)
Although a level 3 strength temptation is very strong, it is possible in Christ, by using sets, to resist and overcome it.
So you must recognize when it's battle season and understand how to fight when it comes. Use the four basic battle skills and the three basic combat wisdoms and you will come off victoriously through Jesus Christ giving you the victory.