A.D. Keller
5 min readFeb 8, 2022

Covid-19 Speeds Up Universal Sunday Law

The enforcing of masks and the covid-19 crisis is clearly linked with the Sunday law.

In Chennai India a lockdown a few weeks ago was put in place to try to control the spread of covid-19. And guess what day they chose to lock people completely down? It was on Sunday.

The lockdown was so serious that you would get in trouble with the law if you were found out of your house on Sunday. A few weeks ago 643 cases were booked for people who violated the lockdown rule.

"The Greater Chennai City Police booked 643 cases against people who were seen on the roads in violation of the COVID-19 complete lockdown guidelines, on Sunday." (Article from The Hindu on Covid-19 Lockdown)

"Those who have been warned of the events before them are not to sit in calm expectation of the coming storm, comforting themselves that the Lord will shelter His faithful ones in the day of trouble. We are to be as men waiting for their Lord, not in idle expectancy, BUT IN EARNEST WORK, WITH UNWAVERING FAITH...The SUNDAY MOVEMENT is now making its way in DARKNESS." (Councils For The Church p. 335)

According to the pen of Inspiration the Sunday law mark of the beast crisis is creeping upon us in darkness and silence. We are told that we are not to be sitting in calm expectancy, but to be in earnest work with unwavering faith. Those who know the prophecies and who can see the events that are being transacted on the planet are to warn the people of God and the world of what is about to come.

This covid-19 is a real thing, but it is used by Satan to cover up the real issue of trying to pave the way for the passing of a universal Sunday law as fast as possible while the majority of God's children are sleep.

The events that are going on in India and around the world shows us clearly that the mark of the beast which is the Sunday law is soon to be enforced.

"To control the spread of COVID-19, police had deployed 'special mask enforcement' teams and 312 temporary check-posts were set up across the city. Several restrictions, including curbs on the movement of vehicles, were introduced in the city over the last two Sundays." (Article from The Hindu on Covid-19 Lockdown)

So a special mask enforcement team was developed by police to control the spread of covid-19. They are taking this way too far and we are seeing force in our world as we have never saw it before. Since the breakout of the pandemic in 2019 going into 2020, the world will NEVER BE THE SAME.

We have now entered into the end of sorrows and the final minutes of Earth's history. The world will never be like it was prior to the covid-19 breakout. This was the key event that changed everything and placed us in the last minutes of Earth's history!

That event was so serious that it was prophesied. "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and PESTILENCES, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows." (Matthew 24:7,8)

THE WORD 'PESTILENCE' MEANS DISEASE AND VIRUSES. The prediction of nation rising against nation was prophesying about World war I and World war II and Jesus said all these are the BEGINNING of sorrows. Therefore, during the World war I and World war II era, which started in 1918, this is when the beginning of sorrows hit and Jesus told us that we were not yet at the end during that time period.

"And ye shall hear of WARS (WWI and WWII) and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, BUT THE END IS NOT YET." (Matthew 24:6)

The wars and rumors of wars and the nation rising against nation prediction was fulfilled in World War I 1914 to 1918, and World War II 1939 to 1945, and Jesus said these are the beginning of sorrows, but the end was not yet.

World war II ended 77 years ago as of 2022. Before 2020 we were in the beginning of sorrows for 77 years until the Covid-19 pestilence prediction changed the whole world and the way EVERYONE LIVES. This event put us at the end of sorrows and the final minutes of Earth history.

In the article about India, 312 check-post of police over the last two Sundays were stationed around the whole city to enforce the mask and the lockdown.

"As many as 643 cases were booked for violation of the complete lockdown guidelines and 877 two-wheelers, 27 autorickshaws and 45 light motor vehicles (929 vehicles in all) were seized by the police on Sunday alone, for violations."

929 vehicles were seized by police on Sunday alone for violating the lockdown. This was in January 2022. These events are giving us a view of what is going to happen when the Sunday law is passed.

When the Sunday law is passed and human probation closes the Spirit of God will be completely taken from the earth which will cause conditions on this planet to be extremely worse then what it is now. And if these events that are now transpiring in the final minutes of Earth's history are not powerful warning signs to wake us up, we will be caught unguarded and receive the market of beast when the Sunday law passes.

Our only safety and protection against what's coming upon this Earth is repentance and receiving the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. The 1888 message of righteousness by faith is what prepares us for this time.

In 1888 there was something called 'The Blair bill' which was the national Sunday law bill. God saw what was going on, that a Sunday law was about to be passed in that time, so He sent A.T. Jones and E.J. Waggoner to the 1888 conference with a message of righteousness by faith which would have prepared the believers for that time.

But we know they rejected the message and Christ had to send Jones to the US Senate to stop the entire Sunday law! If He didn't stop the Sunday law through Jones, the church would have failed in the crisis and Satan would have won a great controversy.

The stopping of the Sunday law because of the rejection of the message of righteousness by faith was foretold in prophecy. And no other prophecy shows us that Jesus will stop the coming Sunday law this time!

It's going to happen and the same 1888 message that He sent to prepare the Church in 1888 He's sending again. Therefore our attention should be drawn to the message of Christ and His righteousness, imputed and imparted to us, as we're looking at the events that proves that the Sunday law and the end of the world is right upon us.

"Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!" Early (Writings p.64)

Click here to read article — Lockdown in India

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