Egg Plant Tea Will Cleanse Arteries and Lower Blood Pressure

A.D. Keller
3 min readNov 23, 2024


  1. Cut up 1 whole egg plant
  2. Place it in 64oz of spring water
  3. Cut up 3 whole bulbs of the garlic (not cloves, bulbs)
  4. Mix 3 tables spoons of golden seal in garlic and egg plant water
  5. Let it sit overnight on the counter
  6. Next day put it in the refrigerator
  7. For 3 days drink 2oz 3 times daily
  8. Make sure you have a blood pressure monitor to monitor you blood pressure
  9. Don’t eat no salt for the three days on this program or it wont work

This will bring your blood pressure down and clean your arteries out. You have to monitor your blood pressure when you do this. You have to check your blood pressure because this formula sometimes brings the pressure down too low. At the same time you’re taking this formula you must stop eating all additional salt. If you eat salt in your food this formula will not work, but if you stop eating salt when taking this formula your blood pressure will go down.

Monitor your blood pressure and if it drops too low stop taking the eggplant tea. Then you can normalize your blood pressure. This is a quick way to get your blood pressure down.

Diet After done with the three day program reduce salt intake, eliminate all fried foods, and eat a diet of 85 percent raw fruits and vegetables.

You must combine this simple remedy with the eight laws of health. We have put the eight laws of health in a simple acronym called God’s Plan with each letter in GODS PLAN standing for one of the eight laws of health,

G — Godly trust. Keep stress out of life by a daily study of the Word of God and prayer life. Also exercise faith by claiming a promise in Scripture and quoting the promise to yourself over and over again.

O — Open Air. Take about 60 to 120 deep breaths a day in open fresh air.

D — Daily Exercise. Walk 3 to five miles a day. If you cant do that much do as much walking as you can. Some can only walk a mile, but walk as much a you can.

S — Sunlight. Spend about 30 minutes to an hour in the sunlight. This is one of natures most healing agents.

P — Proper Rest. Try to get to bed by 9pm or 9:30pm and latest 10pm.

L — Lots of Water. Divide your weight by two and drink a minimum of that many ounces a day. If your 160 pounds divide that by two which is 80. You would drink 80 ounces of water per day minimum.

A — Always Temperate. Keep ALL bad things out of the body and use all good things in moderation. Don’t eat late meals. Don’t eat past 7pm.

N — Nutrition. Eat fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables. Eat 2.5–4 cups of vegetables a day. This is 2.5–4 servings. Eat 2 to 3 cups of fruit per day. This is 2 to 3 servings. Go on Google to find out what a serving is.

This is how to do medical missionary work. You must combine the eight laws of health with herbal medicine, cleansing medicine, and natural remedies.



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