Faith and the Biblical Creation Week
Faith is believing that the spoken Word only, all by itself, will do what is spoken in that Word and depending upon the spoken Word only, all by itself, to do what is spoken in that Word.
This is what faith is and according to Romans 10:17 faith comes by the Word of God. “So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
This Scripture shows us that faith comes directly by the Word of God and faith is believing that the Word of God only, all by itself, will do what is spoken in that Word.
I’m repeating myself on purpose to drill this powerful thought into your mind. Believing that the spoken Word of God only, all by itself, will do what is spoken in that Word, COMES DIRECTLY BY THE WORD OF GOD.
How do I know this? Because this is what faith is and faith comes by the Word of God. Therefore, it is the work of the Word of God to get us to believe that the Word only, all by itself, will do what is spoken in that Word.
In order for the living Word, Jesus Christ Himself, to get us to believe that His spoken Word, all by itself, will accomplish what He speaks in His Word, He must teach us by repeated instruction that His Word has in itself power to accomplish whatever He speaks.
How does Jesus teach us this great truth? First He points us to the spoken Word itself in the Bible and shows us this truth in the Biblical Creation week. On each day of Creation week He shows us by repeated example that the spoken Word only, all by itself, does whatever is spoken in that Word.
Genesis 1, which records the Biblical Creation week, is repeated instruction on WHAT FAITH IS. Genesis 1 has seven to nine clear statements that gives us repeated instruction on faith.
Repeated instruction on faith is Christ constantly instructing us that the Word of God, all by itself, accomplishes the THING spoken in that Word.
The first verse of the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” What “tool” did God use to create heaven and earth? “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. . . . For he spake, and it was.” Psalm. 33:6–9.
Before Christ spoke the Word there were no heavens nor earth. After He spoke the Word the heavens and the earth were in existence. Only by speaking the Word, all by itself, the heaven and the earth came into existence. What caused the heaven and earth to come into existence? The spoken Word only, all by itself!
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep… Genesis 1:2
God desires light but darkness is everywhere. In what way would God cause light to be? He would do it by speaking the Word only: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” Where did this light come from? The spoken Word only, all by itself, produced the light.
This is the faith of Jesus. This is true faith. Faith is depending on the Word only, all by itself to do what is spoken in that Word. When God wanted light He depended on His own spoken Word only to produce the light. He didn’t depend on nothing else, but the naked Word, all by itself, to create light. This is the FAITH OF GOD. This is instruction in faith.
Next God wanted a firmament or atmosphere. In what way would He get it? What “tool” would He use to create a firmament? “God said, Let there be a firmament, . . . and it was so.” Genesis 1:6,7
What caused the firmament to exist? The spoken Word only, ALL BY ITSELF. This is instruction in faith. This Scripture is teaching us by repeated example of what faith is.
Faith is believing that the spoken Word itself will accomplish whatever is spoken in that Word. Did God believe that when He speaks, the Word all by itself would go out of His mouth and create the firmament? Of course He believed this and this is faith! It’s the faith of Jesus in action. Exercising faith is exercising creation!
Now God wants dry land. How could the dry land be produced? God would again depend on His spoken Word only to produce it. “God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.” Genesis 1:9
Next God wants vegetation on His dry land. How will He get it? Again by depending on His spoken Word, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit-tree yielding fruit, after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.” Genesis 1:11
Now God wants sun, moon, and stars and He depended on the spoken Word to create them: “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven, . . . and it was so.” Genesis 1:14,15
He spoken again, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature, . . . and it was so.” Genesis 1:24
In this way, by believing and depending on the spoken Word only, all by itself, were all things created. He believed that the Word He would speak would create whatever He said, and He depended on the spoken Word all by itself, to produce the thing spoken in that Word.
He depended on His Word in Creation and when He was on the He depended on His Word in redemption. Christ healed the sick, cast out demons, enabled Peter to walk on water, raised the dead, and forgave sins, all by depending on His spoken Word only. Again, this is the faith of Jesus Christ. This is faith. This is how to create because exercising faith is exercising creation.
Christ’s Word is so powerful that that is all He needs. He don’t need anything else, but His Word only. The reason His Word is so powerful is because it is supersaturated with creative energy, and the creative energy in His Word produces the thing which that Word speaks!
This is why faith is depending on the Word only, all by itself, to do the thing spoken in that Word. Faith is knowing that the Word is supersaturated with creative energy which gives the Word the ability to produce the thing spoken in that Word.
Instructing people in faith is teaching them that in the Word of God there is this power; teaching people to exercise faith is teaching them to believe that the spoken Word itself will do what is spoken in that Word and teaching them to depend on the Word only, ALL BY ITSELF, to accomplish the thing which that Word speaks.
The cultivating of faith is training yourself by persistent practice to believe that the Word of God will produce whatever you’re exercising faith for and training yourself by persistent practice to depend on the Word only, all by itself, to produce whatever you’re exercising faith for. And “the knowledge of what the Scripture means when urging upon us the necessity of cultivating faith, is more essential than any other knowledge that can be acquired.” Are you practicing faith?