A.D. Keller
5 min readJan 8, 2021

God sent a most precious message to our dear Church in the year 1888. Over the years it has been named, "Righteousness by faith," because this was the message that was made prominent and General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist in that year.

The message of rightoueousness by faith is the key to victory over sin, being sealed with the 144,000, successfully making it through the time of trouble, bringing Jesus back for His glorious second coming, and being translated to heaven without seeing death.

The 1888 message of righteousness by faith produces victory over sin instantly through justification. And this same message perpetuates victory over sin through sanctification. Justification by faith is imputed righteousness and sanctification by faith is imparted righteousness. The first gives you victory over sin and the second perpetuates victory over sin.

When 144,000 living believers receive, live, and teach this message, it will complete the work of redemption and bring the great controversy to an end. When God sent this message in 1888 why didn't the great controversy come to an end? Why are we still stuck in this sinful world? Why hasn't Satan been captured and cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years yet? Listen to what Robert J. Weiland in His book 1888 Re-examined said:

"The beacon lights of a century ago have grown dim and in many cases have flickered and gone out. The hallmarks of Adventism have become tarnished. Our people have not verbally abandoned confidence in the second coming of Christ, but the expectation of His near return has faded. Many are bewildered and confused. The present world entices to fashion, amusements, and me-first luxury.

Even in enlightened Seventh-day Adventist with a rich historical heritage,
divorce has become almost epidemic. Social drinking is a problem in our colleges and
universities and in too many of our homes. Most Seventh-day Adventists in North America have no clear concept of a heavenly Day of Atonement or of our unique duty of temperance and self-control in relation to it. It is amazing that in a time of exploding human knowledge, we as a people generally still have only a vague concept of what Christ is doing as High Priest in this final Day of Atonement, and scant sympathy with His aims. And what we do not understand we cannot communicate to the world.

It is well known that a large proportion of our youth lack clear-cut convictions of
Seventh-day Adventist identity. A series in the Adventist Review of June 1986 recognizes a new phenomenon: Adventist youth are joining Sunday-keeping churches (see chapter 13 of this book). Off-shoots and independent ministries proliferate. Financial scandals and heresies supply grist for the mills of the critics. Serious questions are raised about whether the Seventh-day Adventist church is destined to become another segment of Babylon." (1888 Re-examined Preface)

This was written over 34 years ago! And it has become worse since! Let us analize some portions of this quote:

1. "The beacon lights of a century ago have grown dim and in many cases have flickered and gone out." Again this was written about 1988, a hundred years after the 1888 general conference.

The beacons of light was the 1888 message which the true believers in that message really thought the Church would finally receive in their generation. They really believed that Christ was going to send the latter rain and return without them seeing death. But that light has grown dim and flickered out in our generation.

2. "Our people have not verbally abandoned confidence in the second coming of Christ, but the expectation of His near return has faded." Many in Adventism have not said that Christ won't return, but they don't expect Him to come in their generation. I even saw some Adventist preparing for death and really believing that they will die.

Instead of preparing for translation, most are preparing for death and it's all because they don't understand the 1888 message which prepares a people for translation.

3. "Many are bewildered and confused." Many are puzzled and confused because they can't understand why Christ haven't returned yet when it was supposed to be soon! They have no logical explanation of this strange delay. If they had understanding of the history of 1888 and what happened, there would be no confusion. They would understand that the delay took place because of our rejection of that message and NOT BECAUSE OF CHRIST!

This is the very message that brings the great controversy to an end and when we rejected it, the great controversy had to continue. And it will still continue until some generation understands their Adventist history surrounding 1888 and we get 144,000 people to receive and teach this message!

4. "Even in enlightened Seventh-day Adventist with a rich historical heritage, divorce has become almost epidemic." There is a serious divorce problem in our Church! The 1888 message will solve this problem and restore homes and hearts.

5. "Social drinking is a problem in our colleges and universities and in too many of our homes." There is a drinking problem in our Church. Church members are victims of intemperance. The receiving of the 1888 message will solve this problem and produce temperance in our people.

6. "Most Seventh-day Adventists in North America have no clear concept of a heavenly Day of Atonement." Many have lost sight of Daniel 8:14 and the true meaning of it. The 1888 message will restore this unique understanding to them.

The 1888 message is righteousness by faith COMBINED with the blotting out of sins and the sealing of the 144,000. Daniel 8:14, "Unto two thousand and three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed," points to the blotting out of sins in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary. Once the sins of the living are BLOTTED OUT, then Jesus will seal the 144,000. Most have no clue about this important work and ministry of Christ in the second apartment of the sanctuary.

Once the sins of the 144,000 are blotted out and they're sealed, the great controversy can be brought to an end. The 1888 message of righteousness by faith is closely linked with the blotting out of sins and the sealing of the 144,000. Thus the 1888 message is closely linked with ending the great controversy. In this very message is the power to solve the problem of sin and clean up His dear Church so we can be that living and glorious church not having any spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.

"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."(Ephesians 5:25‭-‬27)

This is the translation Church! This is the 144,000 spotless Church! This is the Church that will NEVER DIE and will close the great controversy between the forces of good and evil.

Do you want to be apart of that LIVING Church that Christ uses to close the great controversy? All we need is 144,000 living saints to FULLY accept the 1888 message and He can end this thing. You must search your heart for unconfessed sins and then confess and repent. Then Christ will justify you by imputing His righteousness to you. This is the first step. Justification by faith removes all spot, wrinkle, and sin from you. Have you been made righteous by faith?

If so let me know by replying to this email, "survivaloftherighteousministry@gmail.com" then we'll add you to our number and tell you how many more people we need to reach 144,000 so the great controversy can close and the world can end.

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