A.D. Keller
4 min readOct 16, 2020

Godly Trust — The First Law of Health Reform

Now we want to focus on the eight laws of health individually. In this article we want to focus on the first law of health reform which is Godly trust.

This law specifically deals with stress and learning how to trust God by exercising faith. When you have anybody on any health program you must make sure that their stress remain extremely low. Prolonged stress can be super destructive to the health and will make your health program inefficient. This is why when we teach someone how to restore their health we're teaching them how to trust in God, the first law of health reform.

By learning how to trust God in all situations your stress will be very low to none at all. This will make your health program extremely super effective because you're in obedience to the first law. When we are working with people we're training them on how to exercise their faith. We are not focused on teaching them to have faith, but teaching them how to exercise it!

The reason we're not teaching them to have faith because the Bible says that God has, "dealt to every man the measure of faith." (Romans 12:3) So you have faith, but you must understand how to exercise the faith which God has given you. When we put someone on a program we show them different spiritual exercise programs that they can use in order to exercise their faith. If they already have their exercise program (which many don't) we can use that and focus heavily upon it.

Our work relies and depends heavily upon exercising faith. Why is this? Because faith itself has power to heal people. Remember what Jesus said to the woman with the issue of blood in Matthew 9?

He said, "daughter be of good comfort; thy faith has made thee whole." (Matthew 9:22)

Did Jesus really say the woman's faith has made her whole? To be made whole means to be brought back to 100% health! So Christ performed the miracle of healing and credited the healing to the woman's faith. This shows us that although Christ performs the work of healing He needs the person to exercise their faith! And once the person exercise faith then He, the author of Truth, credits the healing to the person's faith!

"And Jesus answered and said unto him, what wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. And Jesus said unto him, go by way; thy faith has made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way." (Mark 10:51,52)

There it is again! Jesus said that someone else's faith has made them whole or has brought them back to 100% health. This is why we focus heavily upon exercising faith, which is linked with the first law of health reform, when we're working with the sick.

You must trust God, first law health reform, that Jesus Christ is, "the same yesterday, and today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

Can you now see why the first law of health is linked with your complete recovery? You also can see why many people cannot be restored back to health because they don't trust God. God's Word is the truth and to trust Him you must trust His Word. And His Word says that His Son is the same yesterday, today, and for the rest of eternity.

Do you really trust that? Because if we cannot get the people to trust the Word of God it will be difficult for us to get them restored back to health. And if we can get the people to trust the Word of God it will be simple to restore them back to health. We must get them to exercise their faith!

And if we can get them to exercise their faith it will be simple to restore them back to health. And sometimes it is not easy to get people to exercise their faith. It's difficult for people just starting out to follow a faith program, but it is extremely essential.

This is why medical missionaries are needed. The medical missionary is to superintend the person's faith. The medical missionary is also a faith manager. He is managing the person's faith and making sure they stay on track so they can stay in obedience to the first law of health reform.

How much power does Christ have? "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." (Matthew 28:18)

Remember the first law of health is Godly trust, which includes trusting His Word. And His Word says that Christ has all power in heaven and in earth! This means that Christ is so extremely powerful that it is not possible for the human neither angelic intellect to comprehend how much power He actually posseses. He has power beyond anything we can begin to imagine! This shows us that He can heal any disease and any sickness in any form!

"Who forgiveth it all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." (Psalm 103:3)

Do you trust the Word which is the first law of health reform? If you do, this shows you that it doesn't matter what disease you have Christ has power to heal it, and He's willing to heal it according to Psalm 103:3!

The key is to get that faith exercised which we will show you how to do in another article. So remember how deep the first law of health is. We haven't even touched everything about the first law. We just have barely scratched the surface and yet you can see how powerful these laws are! So start exercising your faith and spending major time with God in prayer so He can bring you back to health!

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