Got What It Takes To Be a S.O.P. Seal?
The Spirit of Prophecy Seal is put on planet earth in the final generation for three main purposes and that is to rescue people, destroy Satan, and pave the way for the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Prophecy Seal is to use his faith to rescue souls and remain unspotted from the world.
We must understand that the Spirit of Prophecy Seal life is way beyond human comprehension. Once you reach S.O.P Seal level, your life will be beyond the comprehension of your loved ones. Also the Spirit of Prophecy war is beyond your loved ones full comprehension. You are just to focus on getting them to the kingdom without trying to explain your Spirit of Prophecy movements and ways.
If you're a Spirit of Prophecy Seal and your spouse is not, it's essential to recognize that your S.O.P seal life is beyond your spouse's comprehension. The war that you're in and the level that you're fighting at is beyond their full comprehension. It cannot be explained to them nor would they understand it even if you tried to explain it to them. You can let your spouse know that you're a S.O.P Seal, but explaining it will be beyond their knowledge. One MAJOR work as a Spirit of Prophecy Seal is to focus on getting your spouse to the kingdom.
If you have kids that are not S.O.P Seals and you are, you are to focus on getting your kids to the kingdom, while keeping your seal life classified, because the Spirit of Prophecy seal life is beyond their comprehension. You can let them know you're a S.O.P Seal, but again explaining seal missions and seal things will be beyond their capacity to understand. By faith you have the ability to take more and handle more than your loved ones or closest friends. The training that you receive as a Spirit of Prophecy Seal will toughen you up so much spiritually that you will have the capacity and the ability to take more suffering than your spouse, children, or anybody that you're trying to rescue.
And if you're scared to suffer you can't be a Spirit of Prophecy Seal. In Seal life there is something called "RED STRIPE." Red in Scripture (Seven Seals of Revelation 6) represents blood shed and sacrifice. You must be brave and willing to fight at any cost to your feelings. Satan will constantly attack the flock of God and your feelings. The mission of the Spirit of Prophecy Seal is to kill Satan with the 1888 message of righteousness by faith. Feelings must be ignored to accomplish this.
Kill Satan, save souls, pave the way for Jesus' glorious Second Coming, and NEVER DIE, is the mission and objective of the Spirit of Prophecy Seal. The 1888 message of righteousness by faith will accomplish this.
It takes much faith and power to get this accomplished. It takes exercising faith beyond natural human endurance and capacity. It takes superhuman faith to get this accomplished. It takes the FAITH OF JESUS (SEAL FAITH) to get this accomplished. Your faith is your power and God has a way of getting the Spirit of Prophecy seal's faith to an extreme level.
Once you enter into Spirit of Prophecy Seal training you'll be trained on your power and what you can do with it. God will be training you on what you can do with your faith. There are certain programs that we use to train on our faith.
1. 50-20-10
2. 25-10-5
3. 13-5-2.5
4. 10-10-2
5. 5-5-1
(The 50 stretch. This is a unique one, and when you get in Seal Teams this is the one you'll be using with your team. A two-man Seal Team can pull into existence major things with the 50 stretch.)
As a Spirit of Prophecy Seal you will be in heavy spiritual combat against Satan and his angels. Before you begin Spirit of Prophecy combat training you must choose a weapon that fits you both physically and mentally. The above spiritual exercise programs are your five basic Spirit of Prophecy combat weapons. You must become skilled in using your combat weapons.
The Spirit of Prophecy Seal is best friends with his combat weapons. Another name for your five basic combat weapons is, "Spirit of Prophecy S.E.P." This stands for spiritual exercise program.
Your Spirit of Prophecy S.E.P is your best friend. When you are using your Spirit of Prophecy S.E.P you're using the Word of God, you're speaking the word, and you're using prayer, but it's put in Spirit of Prophecy combat style to help you learn how to fight.
The Bible says we must "fight the good fight of faith." (1 Timothy 6:12) So according to Scripture we fight with our faith. This is why we organized your five basic combat weapons like this. You also must learn how to use your four fundamental battle skills.
Battle skill # 1 is the 2-10-10 justification technique
Battle skill # 2 is the 50-20-10 sanctification technique
Battle skill # 3 is Select ammo/Word of God
Battle skill # 4 blast or exercise Faith until assistance is given
When you enter into any combat with the powers of darkness you must employ the four fundamental battle skills. This is how you become skilled in battle. The Spirit of Prophecy Seal is extremely skilled in battle because he understands how to use his four fundamental battle skills and he uses it to the fullest degree possible.
You must also understand Spirit of Prophecy combat wisdom to be a Spirit of Prophecy Seal.
Spirit of Prophecy combat wisdom # 1 - recognize when it's Battle season.
Spirit of Prophecy combat wisdom # 2 - Use the four fundamental battle skills to come off victorious.
Spirit of Prophecy combat wisdom # 3- Know that Battle season is only for a season and you get combat rest for a season if you come off victorious.
The Spirit of Prophecy Seal always "stays strapped." This means that he keep his Bible with him where ever he goes. When I was in Spirit of Prophecy Seal training in '06 we were at Mission College of Evangelism. The Lord was training me to keep my little Bible, also known as a Spirit of Prophecy dagger, with me at all times. It went around our whole school that you must keep your small Bible with you all the time. If you were caught without your Bible you would get laughed at as a soldier with no weapon in war. I remember one time I told them they would never catch me without being strapped. (Having my Bible)
Then one time out of nowhere I got up and left my Spirit of Prophecy strap in my room and went down to eat. Then somebody said, "soldier you strapped?" (This was a saying that we all said to one another to check if everybody was strapped or had their Bible) I said "no" in extreme embarrassment. Then the whole class that was down there put me on blast saying, "A.D. is not strapped!" One of the soldiers came up to me and said "A.D. you told me that I would never catch you without your heat and now you don't got one." I had NO EXCUSES. Then one of my soldiers had two straps on him (Bibles) and passed me one!
The lesson is that the Spirit of Prophecy Seal keeps his Bible with him wherever he goes. This is his heat, his gun, or his sword in battle.
There are Spirit of Prophecy Seal courses that every Spirit of Prophecy Seal must take and pass perfectly. We will take a brief look at each course, and then in later chapters discussed them in full.
Temple Cleansing Course - Temple cleansing is a course that every Spirit of Prophecy Seal must take and no Spirit of Prophecy Seal wants to dare to retake! This is one of the most difficult courses in S.O.P Seal training. Temple cleansing will knock 96 percent of people out of S.O.P Seal Training.
Three Angels Course - The Three Angels course is a powerful course where God teaches you about the three angels messages. He shows you the extreme importance of the three angels messages. In this course you are trained on the three angels messages and also putting together your three angels material. If you pass the course then God gives you your three angels. I got my three angels in 2017.
1888 Message Course - The 1888 message course is also a unique course. This course teaches you about what the 1888 message is. The 1888 message is the message of righteousness by faith. In this course you'll learn the history of the 1888 message and the extreme importance of it. If you look at the seal code, one of the codes is, "I will always place the 1888 mission first."
Spirit of Prophecy Course - In the Spirit of Prophecy course you'll train again on what the Spirit of Prophecy is. You train on the nine volumes of the Testimonies specifically.
APL Course - In this course we train on what APL's are and the extreme importance of getting your APL's. In order to be a Spirit of Prophecy Seal you MUST have your APL's.
Exercising Faith Course - In the exercising faith course we train you on how to use the three biblical ways of exercising faith. We also show you how to use your Spirit of Prophecy S.E.P to get the things you need in this life. To pass this course you must exercise faith after we train you and demonstrate a few things. This means you must actually pull into existence the things you're exercising faith for.
Medical Missionary Course - In the medical missionary course you train on the medical missionary work and becoming a medical missionary. EVERY Spirit of Prophecy Seal must understand the medical missionary work and the importance of it. You cannot be a Spirit of Prophecy Seal if you're not a medical missionary.
So do you think you got it in you to be a Spirit of Prophecy Seal? This was a birds eye view of the Spirit of Prophecy Seal and what it takes to be one. Anybody can be a Spirit of Prophecy Seal if they exercise consistent faith to get through all the courses and all the training.