If Our Organs Could Talk

A.D. Keller
4 min readOct 15, 2020


If our organs could talk we would understand why people get cancer and tumors, boils on their skin, runny noses, fevers etc. Most people have no clue why they are sick. Most think sickness is an enemy, therefore they try to cut out a tumor because they don’t understand that a tumor is a garbage can for the body.

The reason why the body created a tumor is because all the other elimination organs are too packed with waste, in other words your natural garbage cans (elimination organs) are over-filled.

The skin is one of your channels of elimination. The pores are designed to open and throw off bacteria and waste out of the body. Now let’s say our organs can talk and someone has a tumor or boil on their skin. The brain superintends and controls the whole system.

When it’s time to eliminate and expel waste and toxins from the body the brain says, “how are you doing colon? I need you to expel this waste out of the system through the the bowels.”

Then the colon would say, “hey I’m sorry brain but I’m too packed with waste matter, the person ain’t clean me out in years. I would love to do that, but I’m just way too over-filled with waste matter.”

The brain will respond and say, “man that’s too bad. Let me ask the lungs to eliminate this waste. Lungs I need you to eliminate this waste and poison from the system because it’s too much in here right now.” The lungs will respond and say, “you know I would love to do that and obey you brain, but I can’t do that right now because I’m also way too loaded with waste and toxins myself. I can’t even function right because this person ain’t clean me out in a long time neither.”

Then the brain, starting to get a little nervous, would say, “oh man I’m sorry to hear that, let me go to the skin so the skin can eliminate the waste. Hey skin I need you to eliminate the waste out of the system, and please don’t tell me you are overloaded too. You’re the largest organ and we need you.” The skin will say, “I’m sorry brain, but my channels and pores are clogged too and there is no way I can take any more waste.”

So now the major elimination channels are over loaded with toxins and waste and cannot eliminate properly. The brain knows unless it does something the waste will literally kill the person within days or a few short weeks. The brain also knows that the organs inside the body is going to soon start deteriorating because of all the waste that is trapped in it.

So the brain commands the body to create tumors. These tumors are little garbage cans inside the body to hold the waste until the person cleans out.

Once the body has created a tumor, the brain says, “waste I need you to go into that tumor. I need you to stay in there and until the person cleans out.” But because people are not properly educated they put more waste and poisons into the body by a poor meat and dairy product diet, no exercise, lack of water, lack of sunlight, and the use of poisonous drugs which we call medicine.

The brain continues to tell the waste and those poisons to go into that garbage can (tumor). This is what caused the tumor to grow because it’s constantly receiving waste. And the brain is hoping that the person cleans out so it can command the tumors (garbage cans manufactured by the body) to leave.

But the person continues to eat horrifying food which is loaded with toxins and waste. They introduce meat into the system which is loaded with cancerous germs. Then the body tells the germs and waste to go into the tumor. Finally the tumor so overloaded says to the brain, “I cannot take any more waste because I’m too overloaded.”

Then the brain commands the body to create another tumor and tells the poison and toxins in the body to go into that tumor. This is how cancer is created. Cancer is the spread of tumors throughout the body, or the creation of many garbage cans in the body.

A tumor can be benign which means it’s not cancerous, or it can be malignant which means it is cancerous. Benign tumors which is not cancerous if not treated properly can and will later on become cancerous.

You can have tumors in the face and all over the body, because the body is trying to keep the waste matter that you refuse to clean out from destroying you. So it puts it in the tumors.

To get rid of this all you need to do is clean out the body and keep all poisons out. Continue to look at our articles and we will discuss how to do that.




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