A.D. Keller
6 min readDec 6, 2020

In Spirit of Prophecy Warrior life Jesus has a Spirit of Prophecy ICU, Intensive Care Unit. This is for the people who have fallen in sin. Fallen in sin in battle means you got hit by one of the fiery darts of Satan, one of his bullets. And this is real. You really got hit by one of Satan's bullets. You really got shot.

This is not fake because we're told in Inspiration,

"It is not mimic [fake] battles in which we are engaged. We are waging a warfare upon which hangs eternal results. We have unseen enemies to meet. Evil angels are striving for the dominion of every human being." (Ministry of Healing p. 128)

When you get hit by one of Satan's fiery darts you actually got shot! And you need to go to Spirit of Prophecy ICU. If you stay away from ICU you will die.

The fact that you got shot you need to get to Spirit of Prophecy ICU ASAP. In ICU you need to put in about 12, 16, to 20 sets. You need to train on Spirit Prophecy Seal level even if you not a seal yet. In Spirit of Prophecy ICU Jesus is performing divine surgery upon your faith because the objective of Satan is to kill and destroy your faith. If he kill and destroy your faith, he kill and destroy you. The whole Spirit of Prophecy Seal life and military life is lived by faith.

It is written, "The just shall live by faith." (Romans 1:17)

Testimonies Volume 2 page 36 says all are engaged in playing the game of life.

"The gold mentioned by Christ, the True Witness, which all must have, has been shown me to be faith and love combined, and love takes the precedence of faith. Satan is constantly at work to remove these precious gifts from the hearts of God's people. All are engaged in playing the game of life. Satan is well aware that if he can remove love and faith, and supply their place with selfishness and unbelief, all the remaining precious traits will soon be skillfully removed by his deceitful hand, and the game will be lost." (Testimonies Volume 2 page 36, 37)

This is why when you're in Spirit of Prophecy ICU, you're exercising major faith because Jesus is performing divine surgery on your faith so Satan don't remove and destroy it. He is performing surgery on your love for Him and for souls so this do not be destroyed and you lose the game.

The purpose of Spirit of Prophecy ICU is for your faith to go under divine surgery to get it strong enough to be able to fight. The Bible says we fight by faith.

"Fight the good fight of faith..." (1Timothy 6:12)

When you got shot, hit by one of the fiery darks of the wicked, this mean your faith got shot down. Again, these fiery darts are real bullets and real temptations and you can get your head (helmet of salvation) blown off in spiritual war if you don't realize this.

"Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."
(Ephesians 6:16)

Do you see how the Bible tells us that there is a such thing as fire being shot at you by the wicked. The Bible calls it fiery darts. This is equivalent to gunfire and your eternal salvation is at stake when you're being fired at. If you get a gunshot wound to the head you can die in physical war. In spiritual war the helmet of salvation represents your head, and many soldiers have had their heads blown off and lost salvation by not knowing how to fight in this war.

"And take the helmet of salvation..." (Ephesians 6:17)

And in Spirit of Prophecy ICU Jesus is working on strengthening your shield of faith so you don't get your helmet took off and lose salvation, this is why you do about 12, 16, to 20 sets. When you're a Spirit of Prophecy Seal this is what you would be doing practically on a daily basis because of the high level you fight at.

This amount and high level of sets is strengthening and toning up your faith and making it strong enough so when you get released back into active battle, your faith will be strong enough to fight successfully. Your love for Christ and for souls for whom He died will be strong enough to keep moving because love is imputed by faith, love is Imputed by sets.

The fact that you're a warrior in war you MUST understand how to fight. There have been thousands and millions of Christian soldiers throughout the ages who started the Christian life and was gunned down. Their helmet of salvation was destroyed and they lost the war. Their love and faith were destroyed because they never knew how to fight. A few of these dead soldiers still go to church every single week although no spiritual life is in them.

Therefore, there must be a way to fight. You need to know how to use your Spirit of Prophecy combat weapons. You have to understand when bullets are flying at you, you have to understand when it's battle season and you are getting shot at! You have to understand how to shoot back as well. If you don't understand how to shoot back you will get killed. It will be a spiritual KIA, killed in action.

In Spirit of Prophecy ICU you also learn how to fight. You train constantly on your Spirit of Prophecy battle skills. Battle skill number one is the justification technique. Battle skill number two is the sanctification technique. Battle skill number three is select ammo the Word of God. Battle skill number four is blast until assistance is given or blast until your prayers are answered and Satan and his demons are gunned down.

How do you know when Satan and his demons are gunned down? When the temptation ceases, that means that Satan and his angels have been gunned down and God has give you the victory in battle. It's crucial to understand these things or you will be taken out. When temptation rushes in upon you in Spirit of Prophecy Warrior life you need to understand that Satan's darts or bullets are being shot at you. You must be fully conscious to this.

The Bible says take the shield of faith so you can quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. When these fiery darts or bullets are being shot at you by Satan and his demons you have to know how to use your Spirit of Prophecy combat weapons. Here they are:

The 10/10/2 combat weapon.
The 50/20/10 combat weapon.
The 25/10/5 combat weapon.
The 5/5/1 combat weapon.
The 13/5/2.5 combat weapon.
In S.O.P Seal Team, the 50 stretch combat weapon.

You need to understand how to utilize these combat weapons when bullets are flying at you.

And you need to face it. In this war you will get shot. But you need to understand what to do when you get hit. You can't just get hit by one of Satan's fiery darts, one of his bullets, and be ignorant on what to do. Getting shot by one of Satan's fiery darts mean you committed a sin and fell under one of his temptations. It's super crucial to understand what to do when you have fallen under temptation and got shot. You must understand that you are wounded soldier on the battlefield and you have to get immediately to ICU.

You must understand that you NEED to now spend major time in sets so Christ can strengthen your faith, cleanse you from all unrighteousness, and impute His righteousness to you. The righteousness of Christ is the armor of God.

"...the armor of righteousness." (2 Corinthians 6:7)

You need to recognize that you must put your armor right back on by exercising faith. You neee to understand clearly what justification by faith is in order to fight in this becaus that's battle skill number.

In Spirit of Prophecy ICU the main Scriptures you will be using to strengthen your faith is 1 John 1:9 and Isaiah 41:10. When you're using battle skill number one you will use 1st John 1:9 and plug this scripture into one of your combat weapons which is sets. When you're using battle skill number two you would use Isaiah 41:10 combined with 1 John 1:9. And our next lesson we will show you how to do this.

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