In this article I want to show some natural remedies and herbs you can use to lower your blood pressure.
As you know high blood pressure is linked with heart disease which is the number one killer in the United States of America. They say that high blood pressure is actually the silent killer, therefore it is extremely essential that you focus on getting your blood pressure under control.
I will pack you up with an arsenal of remedies and herbs that you can use to destroy the enemy of high blood pressure. You could test some of them out and see which ones you like and works best for you, because they all work.
1. Increase your water intake. Lots of water is the sixth law of health reform. Almost all blood pressure medications mimic the effects of increased water intake. The meds do it by thinning the blood.
Drink 15 glasses of water a day and it will do it naturally. This is how to APPLY the sixth law of health reform to lower blood pressure.
Only drink distilled water because it's the purest and cleanest. When restoring health you want to use the best things available.
2. Remember the pioneer said that food is the true medicine for this body. Eat a diet high in fiber. Pack yourself up with vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains that contains high fiber. Type into Google, "fruits that are high in fiber." Then look up vegetables, nuts, and grains, that are high in fiber.
Remember we are in the internet generation where we have information at our fingertips!
3. Take two tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily. It was a study done on 59 people using flaxseed oil verses safflower oil over a period of 12 weeks. It was shown that the people using flaxseed oil had lower blood pressure levels than those using the other oil.
Studies are showing flaxseed oil is linked with lowering blood pressure. You can look at the article right here -
4. Over the centuries many people used garlic as an herb and herbs are God's medicine. Raw garlic has the ability to dilate the blood vessels which in turn will lower high blood pressure. Garlic is amazing because it has the ability to normalize blood pressure if it's too high or even if it's too low.
5. Another powerful herb that has the ability to widen and expand the blood vessels which will in turn lower high blood pressure is Hawthorne extract.
Hawthorne extract has been used for heart disease, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, and high cholesterol. This is a super powerful herb!
You are to make a tea and drink up to two cups of it on a daily basis.
Take one teaspoon of the dry hawthorn herb and put it in 1 cup of boiling water. For every cup of water you need one teaspoon of hawthorn herb.
6. Kudzu is another herb that has puerarin which has the ability to lower blood pressure. It was seen that puerarin lowered blood pressure by 15% in lab animals and also humans.
7. Valerian root has been shown to lower blood pressure.
These are some herbs and remedies that you can use to lower blood pressure. Also remember high blood pressure has to do with lifestyle. The herbs is that which assist in lowering the blood pressure. The eight laws of health reform is the key to bringing your blood pressure and keeping it to where it's supposed to be.
Tomatoes contains something called GABA. This has the ability to lower blood pressure and also strengthen the muscle of your heart. So eat lots of tomatoes.
Onions, garlic, and celery ALSO CONTAINS GABA. You want to focus on using your food to lower your blood pressure as well. It has been shown that eating four stocks of celery lowers blood pressure.
Broccoli is packed with six chemicals that has the ability to lower blood pressure. Carrots has eight compounds that has the power to lower blood pressure.
Apples are real good for lowering blood pressure because of the pectin that's in it. Apple pectin tends to lower.
Here are some things to avoid so your blood pressure could remain at its normal levels.
1. Stress - stress causes high blood pressure so avoid stress.
2. Overeating causes high blood pressure. Therefore avoid overeating even of healthy foods.
3. Don't get too much protein in the diet. Be moderate and temperate when using protein.
4. Stay away from sweets and desserts completely.
5. Leave salt alone. This is critical for lowering blood pressure. Stay away from sodium. Get into a habit of reading the labels when you're purchasing your food. Stay away from foods that say salt, sodium, soda, or NA.
6. Avoid monosodium glutamate also known as MSG.
6. Leave baking soda alone.
7. Leave soy sauce alone
8. Leave soft drinks alone.
9. Leave preservatives alone.
When you have lots of sodium in your body this causes fluid retention which puts pressure on your blood vessel walls and causes high blood pressure. This is why you need to eat a diet that is rich in potassium because the potassium helps the body get rid of excess sodium. You can get potassium in your fruits and vegetables.
So lowering blood pressure and keeping it at its normal levels is a lifestyle change. It's not about using herbs or teas only, it's about changing your entire lifestyle.
You should increase your exercise in the fresh and open air. fresh air has the ability to lower blood pressure also the sunlight on your skin is linked with lowering blood pressure too. So focus extremely on the eight laws of health reform because obedience to the 8 laws is a deep change in lifestyle and habits and will ensure health and long life!