Kidney Failure Program
Below is an acronym for the 8 laws of health called God’s Plan. Each letter stands for one of the 8 laws of health. The 8 laws are also called the 8 doctors and this is YOUR MAIN TREATMENT.
G — Godly Trust. Use 4 sets of the 10–10–2 daily. Use Exodus 23:25 as your Scripture. Spend at least an hour a day in devotion which is prayer and Bible study in the morning. Make this the first thing you do in the morning. You can also get your sets in at that time too.
O — Open Air. Take 120 full and deep breaths in the open fresh air daily.
D — Daily Exercise. On your assessment form it said you walk a block or two and you’re tired after that. This may be your max. If it is do this daily until your strength increases. If you can try to walk 1–3 miles daily.
S — Sunlight. Get 45 minutes to an hour of sunlight every day. Spirit of Prophecy says this is one of nature’s MOST HEALING AGENTS.
P — Proper Rest. Try to get to bed inbetween 9–9:30pm and no later than 10pm. It says you have insomnia on your assessment form. Hops tea or camomile tea is good for helping you sleep.
L — Lots of water — Take your body’s weigh and divide it by two. This is how much ounces you need minimum daily. Drink 6–8 ounces of DISTILLED water every hour.Ephesians 4:32
A — Always Temperate — Temperance is keeping ALL bad things out of the body and using all good things in moderation.
Stop eating meat. Eating too much protein is a part of your problem. Meat also has lots of waste products that you can’t afford to put in your body. Meat is also packed with bacteria, purines, and uric acid which you don’t want in the body.
Leave dairy products alone. Also chocolate, coco, and fish must be avoided. Don’t eat much phosphorous. for this reason avoid beet greens, spinach, rubarb (I don’t know who eat rubarb anyway) and swiss chard, because they contain oxylic acid.
Avoid black pepper and cyanne pepper.
Avoid these condiments: Ketchup, mustard, and all condiments that has vinegar in it. (You can learn to make health reform condiments yourself if you must have them)
Avoid all fried food including french fries and chips. You can cut your potaotes and bake your fries.
Don’t eat foods that were made with baking powder or baking soda.
ALWAYS read food labes to make sure these things are not in your food. By faith in Christ try your best to do these things.
Avoid sugar. People who eat too much sugar eventually cannot taste it as good as they used to. For this cause they pour more and more sugar into their foods. Those who have type two diabetes also cannot taste sugar too good and this could cause them to over sugar their foods which is dangerous, Again avoid sugar as far as possible.
Avoid all pizza unless you make it with whole wheat flower. Most pizza you buy will have white dough which is poison.
N — Nutrition. Eat 75% raw foods including garlic, parsley, celery, and cucumbers. GREEN VEGETABLES ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. You need potatoes as well. To make potatoes bring water to a boil and then put the potatoes in the boiling water. This will trap the nutirents in the potatoes as you boil it.
Eat cranberries because they acidify the urine which will destroy bacteria and restore the bladder.
The law of nutrition requires fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables. Due to diabetes don’t eat fruits and melons in large quanities. Also don’t eat apples or bananas until the diabetes is expelled from the system.
Herbal Medicine: Cornsilk Tea. Medical missionaries say, “Cornsilk tea is the best single herb for increasing urine flow and restoring the kidneys.”
Here’s the remedy that I got from medical missionary Floyd Mayberry when we asked him questions on how to heal kidney failure. Me and the person I was working with used the S.E.T.s which is the spiritual exercise programs like the 10–10–2. After using lots of S.E.T.s some time later we were connected to Floyd Mayberry and he gave us this remedy. But for some reason the person did not take it! This remedy is copied word for word from my blog,
For stage four kidney failure
“1. Get a quart size jar
2. 1–3 heaping table spoons of corn silk
3. 1–3 heaping table spoons of Shepard’s purse. You can do this with clevers herb as well.
4. 1–3 table spoons of gravel root
5. 1/3 of this jar will be filled with herbs
In the past, individuals have taken these herbs, made a tea, and drank the whole quart, and they noticed that it flushed out the kidneys.
Some people have saved their kidneys when they used this remedy. Individuals who were on the verge of dialysis and also those who were on dialysis itself have actually used this and were made free.
I’m a little bit careful when discussing renal failure because you have a potassium issue that you have to consider. You have phosphorus issues that you also have to consider and if the person doesn’t have that kind of faith and your method is not handled the right way you can potentially be in the position of blame if something goes wrong.
But this remedy can be very very very effective though. And one of the key effective herbs in the gravel root is what they call the lipotriptic, corn silk has it too. They both have the ability to dissolve gravel. They can dissolve stones and sludge that builds up in the kidneys. These herbs could prove to be very effective. I would do that. If they’re not on medication I would use a charcoal poultice on the kidneys while using this tea. I would take that tea one to four times in a week to try to unblock those kidneys this is what a medical missionary would do.”
This may seem like a lot, but when you’re dealing with something aggressive you must get aggressive too. I have a one more herb to add to your herbal medicine. Your herbs that we will add will be here in a few weeks or even earlier, but follow this program right now.