Living Without Depending on the Government p. 2
Just think about this for a moment: What if something happened where the regular ways of living was dramatically changed and you were are no longer able to go to the store, pay electricity bills, pay mortgage/rent, will you still be able to provide for your family?
God is preparing us to learn how to live Spirit of Prophecy seal style. And Spirit of Prophecy seal living is deeper than just getting out into the country. We must actually learn how to COUNTRY LIVE because many people in the country are city living! By city living in the country they eventually end up moving back to the cities.
One great aspect of special operations country living is moving out into the country, growing your own food, and having the ability to live off your own garden YEAR AROUND!
What about water? There are some people who have deeper insight on how to country live who have their own water well which is powered by a water pump. What happens if the pump stops working, how would they get their water? When using water pumps and generators that require electricity to run, you're still in a way dependent on the "system" to provide you with electricity so your water pump can pump water through the well. Our goal is to be COMPLETELY FREE and INDEPENDENT from the world's system of living.
What about heat? You MUST have heat in your home. Many are dependant on their electric company for heat. Again, this is not complete independence and freedom because you NEED the electric company. The special operations way of the seal is to use RENEWABLE and INDEPENDENT fuel by having your home heated with wood.
Yes wood is a renewable an independent fuel that you can use to heat your house up. You're not depended on your electricity company for heat when you understand how to use wood. Now this is one way among others that the seal uses.
We're in a generation that don't understand how to live life without the modern conveniences that we have right now. The basic understanding of how to provide the basic needs for your family that all possessed years ago is not even heard of today!
One of the goals of the Spirit of Prophecy seal is to gain complete independence from every earthly support that we now have. The objective is to be able to live in this world without having to pay money for our basic needs of life.
So we want to dig deep and start studying and practicing on how to do these things. We want to start right now, yes today, even if you feel that you don't have an understanding of anything yet. The question is, "do you have a desire to gain independence and complete freedom in preparation for the time of trouble and the mark of beast?"
Right now we want to start beginning to take the first small steps. And the fact that you're reading this shows that you're taking the first small steps towards complete independence. The objective is not to get overwhelmed and confused, but to begin by taking small steps by faith and let Christ open door after door for you as you're moving forward.
What we want to do is take step one, and then take step two, and then take step 3, and then takes that four, all the way until we reach our goal. We are not just jump and take a large leap to get everything done all at once, but we are to take step by step action by faith.
Therefore we need a step-by-step action plan to get this accomplished so we don't get overwhelmed. And this action plan does not need to be perfect in all it's details. You also don't need to understand everything about the next step that you need to take. The goal is to just get an action plan together so you can start moving forward by faith so Christ can open more doors for you.
The time has now come for us to stop talking about getting out the cities and start actually doing things BY FAITH to get out. It's a difference between talking and doing, thinking about something and actually taking action. We want to actually start taking action, but by FAITH ONLY!
1. The first thing you need in your plan of action is to know and learn how to exercise faith. Do you understand how to exercise faith? Do you understand how to take one of the promises in the Scriptures and exercise faith in that promise so Christ can produce the thing the promise says in your life?
This is the most important thing and if you get this down then every other thing will fall in place. How? Because it is Christ, by the power of His word, through your faith, that produces things in your life! So again the very first thing you need on your step-by-step action plan is to learn how to exercise faith in the promises of God. So step one is to find a promise in the word of God regarding a country home and country living. The promise I use is 2 Samuel 7:27 where it says, "I WILL BUILD THEE AN HOUSE."
2. The next thing you need in your action plan is to find a LOCATION where you want to live. Are you in the cities? And if you are you need to be preparing to get out of the cities as fast as possible. We need to get out of these cities into country areas where the houses are not so crowded together. We're told in the Spirit of Prophecy that it is ten times easier to develop a righteous character in the country. So country living is linked with character development which is sanctification by faith, which is imparted righteousness.
You need to find a location that can best provide you with the basic needs of life. Like water, shelter, and food. Heat is a very extremely important thing you must have in your shelter when it comes to living life independently. If you own a home you should consider putting your home on the market to sell it. If you don't own a home this is a blessing in disguise because it will make it a lot more easier to transition out into the country area because you're not tied down by certain things. If you're stuck in a job and your job is connect to your location you need to start asking the Lord by faith on how to get an income stream without the need of a job.
So wherever you are right now, the most important thing is to start doing something by faith so Christ can open other doors.