Navy Seal and S.O.P Seal Dedication Are Similar
0:40 Immediately you see a difference between running and seal running. This is linked with testing on endurance.
So in our S.O.P Seal training there's a difference between endurance and S.O.P Seal endurance. Regarding the message cloning course, some people do not have the seal endurance to finish this course.
They may have preach a message in the past, but this is a whole different level of training and endurance. The getting the three angels messages accomplished on powerpoint (S.O.P Seal style) requires S.O.P Seal endurance.
0:56. Another important point the navy seal instructor brought out was getting Xbox controllers out of your hands and getting on those tracks so you can build your endurance up.
In Spirit of Prophecy Seal training we must put down television controllers and only use the internet only to finish the message cloning course. By accomplishing one message at a time like Daniel 2, this will build up your S.O.P Seal endurance.
(2:37) You see how serious these Navy seals are on their body and their physical training. They must get themselves healthy.
If health is linked with Navy SEAL training how much more is health link with Spirit of Prophecy SEAL training? Listen to what the Spirit of Prophecy says:
"December 10, 1871, I was again shown that the health reform is one branch of the great work which is to fit a people for the coming of the Lord. It is as closely connected with the third angel's message as the hand is with the body." (Testimonies volume 3 page 161)
I'm not going to get too deep here, but according to the Spirit of Prophecy, the health message is closely connected with the THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGE. And the third angel SEALS the 144,000.
Therefore the health message is closely linked with the SEALING of the 144,000.
2:48 Lot of students fell out just on the basic swims and basic runs.
I saw one person disappear completely when it was time for them to give a message. I was training in a Bible study on the 1888 message and I let the Bible study students know that we each will be giving the class Bible studies instead of just me.
The first person who was up took them 4 weeks to do their message, but they finally passed and did it. Each week they would beg me to give the Bible study for them because they were not ready and we were holding Bible study classes every Sabbath. The first week I said yes, the second week they begged again and said they wasn’t ready and I said yes, and the third week they begged again but I said, "you must give it this time. I held you down for the last 2 weeks now you got to do it."
If I'm not mistaken, they called off the Bible study, but was ready by the fourth week. And they gave a powerful Bible study.
Then the second person was up and they called and said they wasn't ready when the time came for them to give the Bible study. Then after that they just completely flaked out the Bible study and we never heard from them regarding the Bible study again.
And these are just the basics in Special Operation S.O.P Seal training. So I too saw people struggle and flake on the basics.
Around 3:30 the seal instructor said the training is 90% mental and 10% physical. So S.O.P seal training is 100% mental which means it's 100% by sets and 0% physical, which means 0% trust in yourself. Yes we got a physical part of the training which is the eight laws of health which runs through all the courses, but it's done 100% by faith, which is 100% by sets.
3:47 Buds is one of the hardest training programs in the US military. S.O.P seal training is one of the hardest trainings in the heavenly military.
4:04. In Navy SEAL training you do hundreds of push-ups and then in what they call hell week you do thousands of push-ups. So in S.O.P Seal training you're doing a lot of sets. Every time something comes up against you you run to sets. For you to get through the course on message cloning you have to use sets. You're going to have to use a lot of sets to get through this.
4:30 Again another seal instructor said, "Put down the controllers and get outside and be active and play sports exercise." So in S.O.P Seal training one of the laws of health reform is daily exercise, this is the third law of health reform. Walking 10 minutes a day is not seal exercise. Some people don't even exercise at all and they think they can be an S.O.P seal. The Spirit of Prophecy Seal exercises a lot. He walks a lot.
4:42 The seal instructor says "Obviously it's the hardest training in the military for a reason." They're not just looking for anybody that raise their hand and say I want to be a seal. You can't just take anybody based off of the operations they go through.
So in Spirit of Prophecy seal training the training is obviously the hardest training in God's military for a reason. The Spirit of Prophecy tells us in Testimonies Volume 5 p. 80 that few great men will be engaged in the last solemn work. Now these few men will be highly trained and all we need is a few highly trained S.O.P seals that will get the last solemn work finished. Finishing the message cloning course is linked with the last solemn work that few great men will be engaged in.
How is this? Because the Three Angels Messages with your cloning is the everlasting gospel that must be preached to the whole world before the end comes. The first angel of the threefold gospel says in Revelation 14:6 "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to EVERY nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people..." (Revelation 14:6 KJV)
4:53 The first phase is to test a man's commitment to be a navy seal.
S.O.P seal training is similar. This is why we have ranks in the "Army of Workers." The Spirit of Prophecy says in Education p. 271 an "Army of WORKERS" will quickly finish the work.
So once a person gets baptized and make their choice to eventually become a Spirit of Prophecy Seal, they become a private in the Army of Workers. Then they are tested on whether they can get their blue stripe at private level. After that they are tested on whether they can get the red stripe at private level. Then they are tested on whether they can get the purple stripe at private level.
If they get all their stripes at private, they become a Seventh-day Adventist veteran. Then they are tested on whether they can get the blue stripe, red stripe and purple stripe at that level.
If they get all their stripes at Seventh-day Adventist veteran level they become a Spirit of Prophecy seal and get tested whether they can get the blue stripe, red stripe, and purple stripe at seal level. And purple stripe S.O.P seal is elite warrior. The highest level that you can reach in the Army of Workers.
So can you pass the message cloning course? This is designed to test your commitment to be a Spirit of Prophecy Seal.
7:38 shows you the seriousness of this training. And what are they doing this for? Their country! What are we doing our stuff for our country! Heavenly country!
"But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city."
(Hebrews 11:16)
The purpose of the message cloning course is to get your Three Angels messages series done and also show you if you have the ability to preach and teach like a S.O.P Seal!