A.D. Keller
3 min readSep 1, 2021

Physiology and Anatomy In Simple Terms

When you’re studying anatomy you’re studying the design of the human body. You’re studying how the human body was created and put together. When you’re studying physiology you’re studying how the different organs and body parts work.

The way to give your body the best care is to understand how it works. If you don't understand how your body works you won't understand how to give it the best care. This is why we're studying physiology and anatomy. This study is also linked with getting prepared for translation.

"In order to be fitted for translation, the people of God must know themselves. They must understand in regard to their own physical frames..." (Testimonies volume 1 p. 486)

As we study the human body and see how marvelously it was put together we will be better able to take care of it. We will also be amazed at how wonderfully it was put together.

"I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." (Psalm 139:14)

As we study human physiology and anatomy we are studying something way amazing and miraculous. We will then really understand how we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Now we will dive into the study of the human body. There are 337 trillion cells that make up the human body. When cells of the same kind unite together tissues are formed. Each tissue has a certain work to accomplish. Below are different tissues in the human body:

- Epithelial tissues. These tissues are responsible for covering the surfaces of the human body. The surfaces of the human body is the external features of our body. Your skin, your hair, nails, etc. are the external features of the human body which the epithelial tissues cover.

- Connective tissues. Just like the name implies these tissues connects, up holds, and holds together other tissues.

- Muscular tissues. These tissues have the unique ability to contract for the purpose of body movement.

- Nerve tissues. These tissues are found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. They are responsible for carrying information to the body and from the body back to the brain through the spinal cord.

- Blood tissues. Yes blood is a tissue. And this tissue transports food and oxygen to the cells and carries toxins and poisons away. The blood is responsible for fighting infections and impurities. It uses blood vessels to accomplish this.

Now that we know that certain cells which unites together makes tissues, when certain tissues unite together this creates organs. When the epithelial tissues unite with muscle, blood, and nerve tissues, this creates the heart organ.

Jesus has assigned each organ of the body to perform certain things. These organs work together with other organs to accomplish special functions.

And when organs unite together this produces systems in the human body. Here are systems in your body:

1. The skeletal system. This is your body central framework and it's made of bones and connective tissues.

2. The muscular system. The muscular system is connected to the bones and this is what enables us to move. Without the muscular system you cannot move your body.

3. The circulatory system. This system's job is to carry blood and lymph throughout the body. This system is made up of the heart, blood, blood vessels, lymph, and lymph vessels. It also carries oxygen, food, and water throughout the body.

4. The digestive system. This system obviously is responsible for digesting food.

5. The respiratory system. This system supplies the body with oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide from the body through the lungs.

6. The urinary system. This system is also responsible for eliminating toxins and poisons from the body.

7. The reproductive system. This system is responsible for the procreation of human beings.

8. The endocrine system. This system consists of all the bodies different hormones.

9. The nervous system. This system controls all the activities of the human body. It's made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

10. The sensory system. Obviously we know what this system is. This is how we see, taste, touch, hear, and smell. The five senses.

Again in order to be prepared for translation we must understand ourselves. We’re going to continue to keep everything simple and easy as we study this powerful subject, physiology and anatomy.

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