Stop Smoking Program
The best way to stop smoking is to go cold turkey. Don’t try to taper off and cut down, that’s a deception. It won’t work! it’s better to go through a few days of struggling a little bit then to drag it out. When you’re dragging it out you’re torturing yourself slowly. So get to the point by going cold turkey even if you have to go through a couple days of withdrawals.
When you quit the hardest part is the first few days. It takes about 5 days for the cravings to be extremely weak or gone completely.
Quote 1 Corinthians 6:20 a hundred times in the morning, a hundred times in the afternoon, and 100 times in the evening. Say, “glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God’s.” If a hundred times is too much say it 50 times three times a day. This is how to exercise your faith in the power of the Word.
After quoting the Word 50 to 100 times in the morning, spend about 10 minutes in prayer asking God to fulfill 1 Corinthians 6:20 in your life. Ask Him to keep you victorious over smoking. After you quote the Scripture in the afternoon and evening pray for another 10 minutes asking that God keep you victorious.
The more faith you exercise the stronger your faith will be and the easier it will be to resist the temptation to smoke. It’s also good to have a prayer partner. Especially in the first few days. When the temptation gets strong quote description 50 times, pray for 10 minutes, and then call your prayer partner.
Claim some more promises. You have 1st Corinthians 6:20, but claim other Bible promises as well. Here are some:
- “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippian 4:13
- “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57
- “All things are possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9:23
Get rid of all your tobacco products including ashtrays, lighters, and everything. Also avoid anybody that smokes for the next few weeks.
Taking warm baths is very helpful. Taking warm baths will help soak the tobacco poisons out of your system quickly. The faster the tobacco poison is out of the system the easier it will be to resist cravings. Take baths two or three times a day for 15 or 20 minutes.
Don’t take a shower take a bath because this will relax you. In your first few days you may be tense when you’re trying to stop smoking, so a bath will relax you. You could take showers, but ideally you want baths. Make the water hot as you could take it. Don’t burn yourself, but get it hot as you can take it because this will help get the nicotine out of the body faster. It’s a well-known fact that the faster the yellow nicotine gets out of your body, the faster the addiction will be broken.
Also it’s possible for your sheets to be yellow because when you’re sleeping you will be sweating and the yellow sheets shows you that the nicotine is being removed from the system. So this is good.
Every time you go under a temptation to smoke, start taking slow deep breaths. Slowly take in full and deep inspirations of fresh air and then slowly breathe it out. Then quote the Scripture in 1 Corinthians 6:20, 50 to 100 times.
You want to be outside as much as possible throughout the day taking deep breaths of fresh air. The reason deep breathing is very important is because there is energy in the fresh air and this is also cleaning you out. Every time you breath in a full deep inspiration of fresh air and breathe it out, you are cleaning out the blood and the body from the nicotine poison.
Also drinking about 6 to 8 glasses of water on a daily basis helps flush out poisons from the system. Again remember the quicker you get the nicotine poison out of the system the easier it will be to break the habit.
Eat lots of fresh fruit and lots of vegetables. Fruit is vital to you maintaining victory over smoking. There was a man that got locked in a refrigerator for 6 days and it wasn’t nothing but oranges in there. By the time he got out he found that he had no cravings for cigarettes! Eating oranges took away the cravings. The vitamin C in the oranges aids in eliminating the poisons out of your body which in turn lessens the craving.
After you eat it is good to walk outside for about 15 to 30 minutes and do deep breathing exercises. It’s not good to sit around after a meal because most people like to smoke after they eat. So you want to replace the cigarette with walking after you eat.
You also want to air out your house and let the the good sunshine in. You want to do this because there is tobacco odor in your house and opening the door and letting fresh air in cleans it out. This small step is very important.
Here are some things you should avoid in your first 10 days:
1. Mustard
2. Spices
3. Pepper
4. Vinegar
5. Ketchup
6. Hot sauce
7. Chili
These type of foods will cause cravings. People who are super addicted to smoking often like highly spiced foods. Most people eat a heavy meat diet, lots of gravies, and fried foods. Avoid these if you want permanent success in staying away from smoking.
Stay away from fish, meat, tea, coffee, and cola beverages. The uric acid and other waste that are found in meat is what gives it the taste that people like. It also stimulates your nerves and raises your desire for nicotine and alcohol. The caffeine that is in tea, coffee, and cola drinks can also trigger the nerves, and in a few minutes you would have a strong craving to smoke.
Tobacco causes the blood sugar in your body to rise for 2 and 1/2 to 3 minutes, and this is why nicotine is extremely addictive. So it’s also a good idea to keep some honeydrop candy with you, and if you get a deep craving chew on one.
Also vitamin C is powerful in destroying the habit to smoke. You can take vitamin C tablets with water or with juice. Or you can eat a whole lot of oranges that are packed with vitamin C.
Quoting 1st Corinthians 6:20 50 to 100 times, three times a day, and praying for 10 minutes three times a day is the most important part of your stop smoking program. If a temptation comes to you to smoke after you quoted the Scripture, QUOTE IT 50 TIMES AGAIN! This is how you fight by faith and maintain victory. This is by far the most important part of your program.