Testimony of Using the Sets For Money and New Phone
7/22/23 we went to camp meeting and I exercised the faith of Jesus for someone to get into good conversation with. The faith of Jesus worked and created Cindy, Don, and Shannon in my life that day. I was walking and Cindy saw me and yelled my name. We talked and then Don saw us and came over to talk. Cindy saw that I had a broken phone and asked if I needed a new phone. I said, “yes I do,” and she said, “I will give you $300 when the sun sets.” The day before I put in 20 sets of the 50/20/10 spiritual exercise program for my needs and other things to be met. I used Philippians 4:19.
When I ran into Shannon we were talking about faith, and I gave him the testimony on how God was about to provide $300 to get a new phone through faith. He then said, “I have phone you can have, and you can keep the $300. You can have a phone and $300 in your pocket.”
I ran into Cindy again and me, her, and Shannon was talking for some time. When Shannon left, I told her that Shannon was going to give me a phone. She said, “Well do you still need the $300?” I said, “Yes because I have other needs for ministry.” On the following Tuesday or Wednesday a letter came in the mail from Cindy and a $500 dollar check was in it!
At the same time a phone was sent in the mail too from somewhere else. I think it was the Obama phone and it had a sim card in it. I then went to the phone company and had them transfer the sim card out the Obama phone and put it into the phone Shannon gave me. (The Obama phone was not tight) We called the people who sent the Obama phone to ask them if the sim card will work in another phone and they said that it might not work because the sim card is only connected to the Obama phone. Even the person working at the phone store said the sim card might not work in my phone that God gave me through Shannon. I was EXERCSISING FAITH that it would work, and when he put the sim card in, IT WORKED!
So, using the sets, the faith of Jesus exercised through me created $500 instead of $300 with a new phone and sim card. I don’t need to pay a monthly phone bill because the Obama sim card in is my new phone that Shannon gave me! I have free phone services by faith alone!
Mom donated 65 dollars to the ministry. I was looking at the money for the ministry and saw that it was running low, and I exercised my faith using Philippians 4:19 and Jesus’ faith worked and created $65 through my mom. Out of nowhere she came to me and said, “This is for the ministry, it isn't much.” I was happy and said, “Thank you.”
A Church member asked Raquel to give her a massage and she received $60 dollars from the massage that came out of nowhere. She then donated $30 dollars to the ministry! God provided $95 quickly when I needed it!
“Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:26) If a man’s faith cannot produce works, it’s dead and something that’s dead doesn’t exist. Therefore, if a man’s faith doesn’t produce works it shows he doesn’t have faith. If a man has true faith and knows how to exercise it, that faith will ALWAYS AND AUTOMATICALLY produce works. It is the very nature of faith to create works.
“Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.” (James 2:18) If a man has true faith, he will be able to show you works that God through his faith produced in his life. Works are evidence of faith, but the absence of works show the absence of faith. While the evidence of works shows the evidence of faith.
The evidence of works shows that the SETS (10/10/2, 50/20/10 etc.) is a simple way to exercise true faith. If this was not a simple way to exercise true faith NO WORKS OF GOD COULD BE SEEN IN A PERSON'S LIFE WHO USES THEM.
The fact that the works of God could be SEEN in anyone’s life who chooses to use the SETS, is EVIDENCE that the SETS WORK!
My sister lost her job and she desperately needed another one. My mom led her to use the 10-10-2 spiritual exercise program for another job. After she used the 10-10-2, a few days later she got a call for another job paying her a decent amount of money per hour! She was excited and I told my mom to tell her that it was because of the sets, the faith, that Jesus was able to produce the job for her. My mom said that she told her that. When my sister called my mom she was put on speakerphone and I said, “I heard the Lord provided you with a job!” She said, “yes!” and was excited. I said, “I need this testimony so I can put it in a book, because every person that uses the sets I put them in the book when they get an answer.” She said, “Well you have another one,” talking about another testimony that goes in the book. We received this testimony September 3rd 2023.
When I heard that my mom was using the sets with her and she was actually involved in using the 10–10–2, I told my mom that I know that she’s going to get a job. I was 100% sure that she was gonna get it because we saw the sets work over and over and over again.