A.D. Keller
4 min readFeb 6, 2022

The Enforcement of Masks Shows Mark of the Beast Is Near!

The enforcing of the mask shows that the mark of the beast is possible. Some people did not believe that in America a Sunday law could be passed to force people to go to church on Sunday, and unless you receive the mark of the beast you cannot buy or sell. In other words your money is useless.

Since covid-19 broke out we can see how America could force people against their will to do what they want them to do.

Our rights are being stripped away from us right before our eyes. At one time during the pandemic WinCo stores, one of the most popular food stores in America, REFUSED PEOPLE SERVICES UNLESS THEY HAD A MASK ON.

People could not buy food unless they had a mask on. Their money was useless.

In some stores people were escorted out of the store by police because they didn't have a mask on.

Speaking of those who refused to wear a mask an article from the Statesman Journal said, "The poster said they were escorted out of the store by Salem POLICE AND REFUSED SERVICE."

So they could not even receive services because they didn't have a mask on. This is showing you that when the mark of the beast is enforced your money will be useless and you will not receive your regular services from America.

This is the first time that this type of force have ever happened and been utilized in America. America has never used this type of force and refused people their basic services like buying food, but it was prophesied that America would speak as a dragon and a dragon forces and persecutes.

"And I beheld another beast (America) coming up out of the Earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and HE SPAKE AS A DRAGON." Revelation 13:11

Again a dragon persecutes and forces people to do things. "And when the dragon saw that he was cast into the earth, he PERSECUTED the woman which brought forth the man child." Revelation 12:13

When we were teaching these things years ago we were teaching them purely by faith because the word of God prophesied it. Some who heard these prophecies could not believe that this could happen in America, the land of the free.

Some people could not see how America would force people to receive the mark of the beast and strip them of their ability to buy and sell unless they had the mark. They couldn't see how their money would be useless unless they received the mark of the beast.

But now we're seeing for the first time in American history the forcing of things against people's will and where your money is valueless unless you cooperate.

Speaking about WinCo Foods, "The employee then disables the machines that four maskless customers were attempting to use to check out their groceries."

An employee actually disabled the machines that four people who did not have masks on were using to check out their groceries!

This shows us among other things that America has transformed from a lamb with two horns like Revelation 13 says, TO A BABY DRAGON! And that dragon is growing fast.

What are these events telling us? They are telling us that the mark of the beast is approaching and the Sunday law is coming fast. It shows you that America could really enforce the mark and force people to go to church on Sunday and unless you have that mark you cannot buy or sell. Your money is useless. The masks problems is showing us this.

And this speaks volumes to us that we now need to take heed as never before to the IMPUTED AND THE IMPARTED RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST. We need to now draw our attention to the 1888 message of righteousness by faith which will enable us to stand in this time, especially the time when the mark of the beast is enforced.

The sealing of Christ's righteousness upon the 144,000, which are God's end-time servants, will enable them to stand when every earthly support is cut off. When your money is useless unless you receive the market of beast, which is Sunday worship.

We see all these events happening and we need to wake up and pay attention now more than ever before to the message of righteousness by faith that God sent our church in 1888.

The 1888 message of righteousness by faith prepares us to stand during the mark of the beast crisis that is now approaching at lightning speed. So please take heed to the 1888 message and appropriate Christ's righteousness that you may be found worthy to escape all these things.

Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!

Link to article https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2021/01/04/anti-mask-rally-planned-after-customers-told-leave-salem-winco/4128797001/

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