The Healing Crisis and Eliminations Channels of the Body
Did you know that the body has been created by God to heal itself. When someone gets a cut on their finger the healing process immediately takes effect. When someone bruises their ankle the healing process immediately takes effect by swelling it up with a lot of blood, because in that blood is life which assists the body in healing itself.
We must understand the methods by which the body heals itself and the things it does so we can cooperate with nature instead of hindering it.
When sickness comes upon someone it’s because the body is overloaded with toxins, waste, and poisons. Christ made the body super intelligent that when it is overloaded with toxins and poisons it knows how to get rid of those things. Once the body is too pack with waste, toxins, and poisons, the body goes and what’s known as “the healing crisis” to get rid of all this waste.
The method the body uses to getting rid of all this waste are the elimination organs. These elimination organs were created by Christ for the very purpose of the body using them to exit all the waste material out of the system. Below are the organs of elimination.
1. The bowels
2. The kidneys
3. The lungs
4. The skin
5. The nasal passages (sinuses)
6. The throat
7. The bronchi
8. The urinary organs
Once these organs of elimination become too clogged, crowded, and overloaded with waste and toxins, then the body goes into “the healing crisis.” When the healing crisis takes place disease symptoms occur. Below are some of the disease symptoms which occur when the healing crisis take place.
1. Open sores
2. Sweating
3. Diarrhea
4. Boils
5. Colds
6. Kidney infections
7. Bladder infections
8. Throwing up
9. Coughing
10. Fevers
When these things take place it shows you that the body is cleansing itself and eliminating the waste out of the system so it can start to rebuild the health. The body works in a serious manner in order to get those things out that shouldn’t be there so you can be restored back to health. And there are more things that takes place when the healing crisis happens because the body is trying to rid itself of the poisons, toxins, and waste, which are clogged in the organs of the elimination.
Good intending mothers, fathers, and doctors, try to stop this most important cleansing process by giving the body poisonous drugs also known as medicine. When somebody has a runny nose the body is just using the nasal passages to eliminate waste from the body. But what do we do when we see someone with a runny nose? We give them some type of medicine which we don’t recognize is poison and then the runny nose stop.
We say it worked because the runny nose is no longer happening. But what has actually happened was the body commanded the nose to stop running so it can deal with this new poison (medicine) that you put into it! When somebody starts coughing the body is using the bronchi to eliminate the waste that is in the system. What we do when someone starts coughing? We give them a poison called cough syrup and then the body stops coughing. And then we say, “it worked!”
What we don’t recognize is that the body commanded the cough to stop so it could have enough energy to deal with this new poison called cough syrup that has been introduced into the system. We get in the way of the body’s natural healing process by introducing poisons in the form of medicine into it and then over time sickness and disease which seem incurable comes upon the system. But why did this happen? Because over the years you kept using poisonous drugs to stop the natural healing process and all that waste and poison has become trapped in the system which produces serious disease over time.
When someone takes drugs in the form of medicine and then goes to sleep, we say “they’re sleeping quietly and peacefully and the medicine is working.” But what we don’t understand is that the body was commanded to shut itself down so it can deal with this new intruder (drugs in the form of medicine) in the system.
When the body is coughing, sneezing and diarrhea is coming out of you this is the body’s own way of healing, cleaning, and curing you. This is why disease is a friend and not an enemy. Coughing is not an enemy. Sneezing is not an enemy. Diarrhea is not an enemy. That which is in you, the waste and the toxins and the poisons are the true enemies which diarrhea and coughing is trying to expel from the system.
When we understand this then we will see the necessity and wisdom in working with the body to help eliminate the waste and the toxins. All you need to do is open the channels of elimination by the use of water, fruit juices, fasting, and hydrotherapy (water-treatments) etc.
Remember Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” So looking at the opposite of that verse, God’s people are restored and saved for an increase of knowledge!
Understanding how to take care of your body and why the body gets sick and diseased, and how to work with the body when disease comes upon us, is an increase in knowledge and will protect you from destruction in the last days of this earth’s history.