The Importance of Understanding Our 1888 History
This work we’re doing is linked with the closing work of salvation. It is linked with the sealing of the 144,000. We’re doing Bible studies on 1888 re examined.
The title of the book we’re studying out of is, “1888 Re-examined, 1888–1988, The Story of a Century of Confrontation Between God and His People.” It is very important that we understand our 1888 Adventist history. Now this history is linked and tied in with the sealing of the 144,000, and the sealing of the 144,000 is linked and tied in with getting us out of this world. The questions must be asked, “Why have we been in this world so long? Why haven’t Jesus returned yet?”
These are serious and important questions that we have to ask ourselves. These are serious and important questions that we must understand. Only by studying our 1888 Seventh-day Adventist history can we rightly answer these pertinent questions, and if we forget our history we are done as a people. Now, I hope you have been going through the emails. And also you should be studying the book right now. You should be studying because what we will be doing in these articles is taking some quotes of the book 1888 Reexamined and expounding on them. This book is by Robert J. Weiland and Donald K. Short.
Wieland is resting in peace right now. I believe he died in 2011. He had the 1888 message of righteousness by faith which is the message that will close the work. He and his friend, Donald K. Short both authored this book. And originally it was for the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference of that time. This book was first published in 1987 and it was originally only for the leaders of the SDA church so the leaders can see the history of 1888, study the history, repent, and then take the message to their church so the brethren can finally receive the 1888 message and be made righteous by faith.
When God’s Church receives this message, Jesus can finally seal the 144,000, close probation, and end the world. Did they accept the message in Wieland’s generation after he gave the SDA General Conference his book on this subject? No, he and that generation died and the people as a generation (144,000 living Adventist) did not accept the message even in his time! This is scary how the 1888 history keeps repeating itself and generations are being reduced to in-activity and unconsciousness, IN THE DUST OF THE EARTH (DEATH).
So again, I’m sending you emails, and you must open them, study them, read them, and click on the links that are in the emails. In these emails are important links. In one email I sent you a link to download Weiland’s and Short’s book. Also in these emails I have links to where I’m actually reading this book because some people just don’t like to read. Some people like audio versions, but there is no audio version that I found on 1888 Reexamined, so I’m creating my own audio version of the book. Also check your promotions or spam folder because sometimes important emails get sent to those folders.
So please keep a close eye out for each email we send to you. You are very important and we need you to help finish God’s work!