A.D. Keller
2 min readDec 31, 2020

The Master Mind Principle

"Nearly twenty years ago I interviewed Mr.

Carnegie for the purpose of writing a story about him.
During the interview I asked him to what he attributed his success. With a merry little twinkle in his eyes he


"Young man, before I answer your question will
you please define your term 'success'?"

After waiting until he saw that I was somewhat embarrassed by his request he continued: "By success
you have reference to my money, have you not?" I
assured him that money was the term by which most

people measured success, and he then said: "Oh, well -
if you wish to know how I got my money - if that is
what you call success - I will answer your question by saying that we have a master mind here in our

business, and that mind is made up of more than a score of men who constitute my personal staff of superintendents and managers and accountants and chemists and other necessary types.

No one person in this group is the master mind of which I speak, but the
sum total of the minds in the group, co-ordinated,

organized and directed to a definite end in a spirit of
harmonious co-operation is the power that got my
money for me. No two minds in the group are exactly alike, but each man in the group does the thing that he is supposed to do and he does it better than any other person in the world could do it."

Then and there the seed out of which this course has been developed was sown in my mind, but that seed did not take root or germinate until later. This interview marked the beginning of years of research

which led, finally, to the discovery of the principle of
psychology described in the Introductory Lesson as
the "Master Mind."

(The Law of Success p. 49,50)

1. Hill asked Carnegie how did he get his money.

2. Carnegie said a "master mind" is what got his money.

3. He stated that the "master mind" is made up of more than 20 men of his staff. Therefore a "master mind" is ONE MIND, but it consists of two or more people.

3. Carnegie made it clear that the "master mind" that got him his wealth was a group of minds put together. This "mind" was co-ordinated, ORGANIZED, and DIRECTED, to a DEFINITE END or DEFINITE GOAL.

4. He said that the master mind is directed to a definite goal in a spirit of HARMONIOUS CO-OPPERATION.

5. It was made clear by Carnegie that although every mind is different, every man in the master mind group does what he is supposed to do better that anybody else in the world.

6. Hill stated that this interview with Carnegie was the seed that years later caused him to create the lesson on the "master mind."

This is how we will create our successful business. We will use the principle of the "Master Mind." We will use "Sets" to create our master mind.

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