The Promises of God Really Works Just Like Money!
As I was studying money I found out some great sprirtual truths. This will open your mind to the power and value of faith. Get ready to learn some eye-opening truths that can help you out tremendously.
Money is limited in supply therefore it maintains its purchasing power.
Faith is limited in supply because most don't have it, therefore it maintains its purchasing power. Therefore, faith is money and can purchase real tangible things!
Over the last 5,000 years only gold and silver has maintained its purchasing power.
Over the last 6,000 years faith has maintained its purchasing power.
Fiat money is just worthless paper. But when Ben Bernake gives it a special sign and they have a meeting it suddenly becomes currency.
Every country on the globe now uses fiat currency back by nothing.
The Word of God and the promises in His Word is backed by God Himself! This is real money.
No fiat currency that's backed by nothing has ever survived in this world's history.
The dollar lost 95% of its purchasing power since the creation of the Federal reserve in 1913.
The promises of God has lost none of its purchasing power over the last 5,000 years!
I'm using Isaiah 41:13, one of the promises of God, the true money that's backed by God Himself, to purchase 144,000 souls to receive and teach the 1888 message of righteousness by faith. Surely the true money can easily purchase 144,000 souls to receive this message.
“Fiat” is a Latin word that loosely translates to “by decree.” In simple terms, it means that something is real because the government says so. In the case of money, the government prints bills, stamps a value on the front, and tells everyone that these objects should be accepted as payment for goods and services.
The Word of God and promises of God is real because God says so. The promises of God is His government's money. Under God's government promises are written in His Word, and whatever the Word says is the value of the promise, and then God tells everyone that His promises could be cashed for blessings or for whatever the promise says! Powerful thought!
In this respect, unlike currencies backed by gold or silver, fiat money does not have any intrinsic value (e.g., paper money and much coinage). The U.S. dollar is an example of fiat money.
Intrinsic means having something in and of itself. The US dollar is fiat money and has nothing in and of itself.
The Word of God has in and of itself power to accomplish what itself says. This is true money.
Fiat money is one that is declared legal tender. This includes any form of currency in circulation such as paper money or coins. Fiat money is backed by a country's government instead of a physical commodity. The value of fiat money is not determined by the material with which it is made.
The Word of God is not fiat money. It is REAL MONEY and is backed by God's government and the foundation of His government is His eternal law. The value of the promises of God is determined by the truth and trustworthiness of God's government. And His truth is His law which is of infinite value. His government is infinitely trustworthy because it is backed by His law. Therefore, the promises of God are of INFINITE VALUE!
“The money of account of the United States shall be expressed in dollars, or units…’’
The money of the Theocracy, which is God’s government, is expressed in the promises contained in the Word of God.
“The piece of paper labeled 1 dollar, 10 euros, 100 yuan, or 1,000 yen is little different, as paper, from a piece of the same size torn from a newspaper or magazine, yet it will enable its bearer to command some measure of food, drink, clothing, and the remaining goods of life while the other is fit only to light the fire. Whence the difference? The easy answer, and the right one, is that modern money is a social contrivance. People accept money as such because they know that others will. This common knowledge makes the pieces of paper valuable because everyone thinks they are, and everyone thinks they are because in his or her experience money has always been accepted in exchange for valuable goods, assets, or services. At bottom money is, then, a social convention, but a convention of uncommon strength that people will abide by even under extreme provocation. The strength of the convention is, of course, what enables governments to profit by inflating (increasing the quantity of) the currency. But it is not indestructible. When great increases occur in the quantity of these pieces of paper — as they have during and after wars — money may be seen to be, after all, no more than pieces of paper. If the social arrangement that sustains money as a medium of exchange breaks down, people will then seek substitutes — like the cigarettes and cognac that for a time served as the medium of exchange in Germany after World War II. New money may substitute for old under less extreme conditions. In many countries with a history of high inflation, such as Argentina, Israel, or Russia, prices may be quoted in a different currency, such as the U.S. dollar, because the dollar has more stable value than the local currency. Furthermore, the country’s residents accept the dollar as a medium of exchange because it is well-known and offers more stable purchasing power than local money.”
“Cheque writers are advised to specify the amount of the cheque before signing it. A blank cheque can be extremely expensive for the drawer who writes the cheque, because whoever obtains the cheque could write in any amount of money, and might be able to cash it (if the current account (US: checking account) contains sufficient funds, and depending on the laws in the specific country).”