A.D. Keller
4 min readJan 2, 2022

The Remant Church and the 144,000

Trumpet = battle cry or war. Revelation 10 shows you the final events of the 6th trumpet. It shows you the final events of the war of God’s Church under trumpet 6 before the REMNANT of the Church’s SEED is brought into existence to destroy Satan.

What is the remnant of the Church's seed? It is the last part of the Church's seed.

What is the Church's seed?

"And I will put enmity (hatred and war) between thee (Satan) and the woman (Church), and between thy seed (Satan's seed) and her Seed (the Church's Seed), it (the Church's Seed) shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." (Genesis 3:15)

It is prophesied that the Church’s Seed will destroy Satan. The word seed in Hebrew is "Zera" which means "offspring or Child." So some child or offspring of the church is going to destroy Satan. The church is God’s people, so an offspring or Child of God’s people will destroy Satan.

"Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ." (Galatians 3:16)

The Church’s Seed is Jesus Christ and He it is that is prophesied to destroy Satan. Christ will crush Satan’s head, but He will use His remnant’s feet to do it.

Paul talking to the Church said, "And the God of peace (Jesus Christ), shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly..." (Romans 16:20)

What is the feet of the remnant? "And your feet shod with the preparation of the GOSPEL OF PEACE..." (Romans 6:15)

"And how shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the FEET OF THEM THAT PREACH THE GOSPEL OF PEACE, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the GOSPEL. For Esaias saith, Lord who have believed our report?" (Romans 10:15,16)

The feet of the remnant is the GOSPEL! The gospel that the remant must preach is the Three Angel’s messages.

"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the EVERLASTING GOSPEL TO PREACH unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people..." (Revelation 14:6)

So Christ is going to send the remnant into all the world to preach the three angels messages, and through this message, using the remnant, He will destroy Satan.

The servant of the Lord said, "The theme of GREATEST IMPORTANCE is the THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGE, embracing the messages of the first and second angel's." (Counsel to Writers and Editors p. 29)

What is the third angel's message in reality? The servant of the Lord said, "Several have written me inquiring if the message of JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH is the third angel's message. I have answered, IT IS THE THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGE IN VERITY (REALITY)." (RH April 1, 1890)

The message of justification by faith or righteousness by faith is the THEME OF GREATEST IMPORTANCE. But the message of justification by faith must include or embrace the first and second angel's message.

Who is the remnant that Christ will use to do this very important work of destroying Satan? They are identified in Revelation 12:17.

"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the REMNANT of her seed, which KEEP THE COMMENTS OF GOD AND HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST."

The remant are identified as keeping the Ten Commandments including comment 4 which is the Sabbath, and having the Testimony of Jesus Christ.

What is the Testimony of Jesus Christ? "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, see thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the Testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy."
(Revelation 19:10)

The brethern are the people who have the Testimony of Jesus which is identified as the Spirit of Prophecy. So the brethern are the people who have the Spirit of Prophecy.

The brethern are also identified in Revelation 22:9 as THE PROPHETS. "Then saith he unto me, see thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy BRETHREN THE PROPHETS..."

So anybody who have the Testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy is a PROPHET. Isaiah the prophet had the Spirit of Prophecy. Jeremiah the prophet had the Spirit or gift of Prophecy. Ezekiel the prophet had the Spirit or gift of Prophecy. Daniel the prophet had the Spirit of Prophecy. Miram the prophetess had the Spirit or gift of Prophecy.

Anyone who has been endowed with the gift or Spirit of Prophecy is a PROPHET.

When Revelation 12:17 says the remnant have the Testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy it was saying that the remnant will have someone in that church endowed with the gift or Spirit of prophecy. They will have a prophet.

There is only one Church is all the world that keeps all Ten Commandments and have a prophet and that is the Seventh-day Adventist Church. So the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant of Revelation 12:17.

The Third Angel seals the 144,000 and the third angels message has been given to the remnant or the Seventh-day Adventist people. Therefore the Seventh-day Adventist people are the 144,000.

You could read Revelation 12:17 like this, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the 144,000, which keep the comments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ."

In order to destroy Satan, God must get the 144,000 into existence. The parenthetical Prophecy of Revelation 10 shows you how God will get the 144,000 into existence. Revelation 10 shows you the creation and history of the 144,000!

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