The Secrets and Fundamentals of Healing

A.D. Keller
3 min readOct 10, 2020


In today’s society doctors are trained in two basic principles. They are trained in school to poison and cut you. This is not casting a dark shadow on your doctor, we are just showing you how they were trained in school. They were taught to use poisonous drugs which people call medicine, and they were also trained to cut out an organ of the body if it’s not working properly.

These doctors and nurses know that the drugs and medicine they use are poisonous. They were taught this while training and studying in school. They’re not ignorant that the medicine they use are poisonous to the human body. Many of them are not trying to poison and purposely kill people, they are just using the knowledge of what they were taught in school.


These poisons consist of chemical poisoning and radiation poisoning. Again they’re taught to cut out organs instead of using natural remedies to let the body restore its organs back to health.

But God’s methods and ways are different. He created the body to heal itself. By following eight simple principles of health you will see how effective and wise our Creator made this body. These days Jesus uses Godly trust, open air, daily exercise, sunlight, proper rest, lots of water, temperance, and nutrition to heal people.

Following these simple eight laws and combining them with short liquid fasts, light meals, enemas, and hydrotherapy, will restore people back to health without destroying them by the use of poisonous drugs and the cutting out of vital organs.

We must understand that the way to actually restore the health is not in cutting out organs or using poisonous drugs, but in using the simple agencies of nature. People must understand this. People are dying for a lack of understanding that the way back to health is in nature.

“My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)

Most people think diseases is an enemy. But rightly understood disease is a friend, because disease is nature’s attempt to get rid of your sick condition which resulted from a violation of the 8 laws of health reform. When sickness come upon a person there is a four-step formula that all sick people should follow.

1. Find out how they got sick. They should search out the reason of what caused the sickness. Job said, “The cause which I knew not I searched out.” (Job 29:16)

2. Once you know the reason why you got sick you should stop that which caused the sickness. You should examine your lifestyle and change every single situation and circumstance which is not conducive to health.

3. Look at the eight laws of health reform and see if any habits in your life is in violation of these laws. If you find out that you are living in violation of Godly trust, open air, daily exercise, sunlight, proper rest, lots of water, being temperate, and nutrition, you are to correct your wrong habits immediately and strictly observe these laws. Sickness only comes by violation of these laws which the great Creator established in your being.

4. Then and only then are you to assist the body’s natural healing process by the use of herbal remedies, hydrotherapy, and other natural remedies. Herbal remedies and hydrotherapy used in a skillful and wise way is priceless and extremely helpful in restoring the sick back to perfect health.

In our articles and videos we will show you how to skillfully apply hydrotherapy and herbal remedies to help you restore your health or help you restore someone’s health you’re working with.

It is extremely important and critical that every single person on the planet be educated on how to use the simple eight laws of health and combining them with simple herbal remedies. It is of the utmost importance to understand the laws that govern the treatment of the sick. Also training people and yourself is needed so you and them can have this knowledge and rightly be able to use it.

With this knowledge God can use you to save hundreds and thousands of lives. Keep a close eye out for more of these articles and videos so you can be knowledgeable upon this most important subject!



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