The Seven Seals of Revelation and the Closing of Seal Six
The seven seals of Revelation are the history of the Christian Church from the time Jesus set it up all the way to His second coming. The sixth seal is the most important seal in Christian history because when it closes, we go home.
When the sixth seal closes, the seventh immediately opens and the seventh seal is the second coming of Jesus Christ. The question is how do we allow Jesus to close the sixth seal so the seventh can immediately open?
The KEY event that determines the closing of the sixth seal is the sealing of the 144,000! When the 144,000 are sealed, Jesus closes probation, sends them through the time of trouble, then closes the sixth seal and opens the seventh by His glorious second coming to planet earth.
How do we then get the 144,000 sealed? Because once this happens, we go through the time of trouble, and then Jesus closes the sixth seal at His second coming.
The way to close the sixth seal is to get the 144,000 sealed and the way to get the 144,000 sealed is by the 1888 message of righteousness by faith! The 1888 message of righteousness by faith is the third angel’s message, and the third angel seals the 144,000.
Look how the Spirit of Prophecy shows us that the third angel seals the 144,000: “I then saw the THIRD ANGEL. Said my accompanying angel, “Fearful is his work. Awful is his mission. He is the angel that is to select the wheat from the tares, and SEAL, or bind, the wheat for the heavenly garner. These things should engross the whole mind, the whole attention.” (Early Writings p. 118)
You see how the 3rd angel is to SEAL the wheat in God’s Church? So, the third angel is in charge of the sealing work, and this is why his mission is so fearful and so awful.
Revelation 7 gives us insight on the sealing angel: “And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the SEAL of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have SEALED the servants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were SEALED: and there were SEALED AN HUNDRED AND FORTY AND FOUR THOUSAND of all the tribes of the children of Israel.” (Revelation 7:2–4)
The sealing angel in Revelation 7 must be the third angel of Revelation 14, because he is the only angel in charge of the sealing work. Revelation 7:4 shows us that the third angel seals the 144,000.
Again the 1888 message of righteousness by faith is the third angel’s message, therefore the 1888 message of righteousness by faith SEALS THE 144,000 which is the key event that determines the closing of the sixth seal.
“Several have written to me, inquiring if the message of justification by faith is the third angel’s message, and I have answered, “IT IS THE THIRD ANGEL’S MESSAGE IN VERITY” (Review and Herald April 1, 1890)
This shows us that the 1888 message of righteousness by faith is extremely important! This is the message that takes us home because it is the message that seals the 144,000!
In our Bible studies and training courses our desire is to make the 1888 message “click” in your mind so you can see the importance of this message, study it, live it, and then teach someone else this message.
We are seeking to build a team of 144,000 living believers studying, living, and teaching the 1888 message of righteousness by faith. Once we accomplish this goal by faith, Christ will then seal the 144,000, send us through the time of trouble, and close the sixth seal by opening the seventh at His glorious second coming to planet earth.
Are you willing to join a ministry team and study this message with us? Are you willing to live this message with us? Are you willing to share and teach this message with us? If so then keep a close eye out for our emails so we can dig deep and build these ministry teams together. Maranatha.