The whole plan of redemption is that man is made righteous by grace for free. How is man made righteous by grace for free? The Bible says it is through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus!
“Being justified (made righteous) freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:24)
So the whole plan of redemption in Christ Jesus is that sinful and unholy man is made righteous by grace for free!
It is through the plan of redemption that sinners are made righteous for free. Well how did this happen? How is this possible? It took 33 and a half years of impeccable obedience wrought out by the Son of God for us. The fact that the Son of God wrought out 33 and 1/2 years of impeccable righteousness for us, this made it possible for God to justify or make righteous sinners for free through the redemption that Christ wrought out for them. Again it took 33 and a half years of impeccable righteousness and the great sacrifice that He made on Calvary to make this possible.
Romans 3:23–25 says that we “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” yet we are “justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: whom God has set forth to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God.”
At the beginning of creation the Eternal Father set forth the Eternal Son to speak the Word that should cause every single thing in the entire universe to exist. When the Father gave the Son the blueprint, Jesus spoke the Word and every single thing in the entire universe sprang into existence by the Word only!
Jesus said in John 6:63, “The words that I speak unto you they are Spirit and they are life.” So the Word of God itself is Spirit. Therefore, when He spoke the Word the Spirit went out of His mouth and created every single thing in the universe! The Spirit of Prophecy tells us that God’s Holy Spirit is in His Word.
“God’s holy, educating Spirit is in His word.” (Christ Object Lessons p. 132)
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God...” (2 Timothy 3:16)
In the Greek interlinear it says, “Every Writing God-Spirited…” (2 Timothy 3:16)
By 2 Timothy 3:16 God has shown us that all Scripture is God-Spirited or God the Spirit is in ALL SCRIPTURE! Or God the Spirit is in His Word! Powerful thought!
The Holy Spirit is 100% Deity. He is the Third Person of the Godhead. The nature of the Spirit is also a mystery and God has never revealed His nature. At different times in Scripture the Spirit of God takes different forms. At the baptism the Spirit took the form of a dove. At the outpouring of the early rain at Pentecost the Holy Spirit took the form of fire.
Although the Holy Spirit is 100% God, we don’t know His nature because He takes different forms at different times. We know that He exists and dwells in the Word of God. This is why the Word has power to create because the Spirit exists in the Word. When Christ speaks the Word the Spirit in that Word creates whatever Christ speaks! Therefore, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost in unison and eternal oneness CREATED EVERY SINGLE THING IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!
Again, the Father set forth the Son to speak the Word that should cause all things to exist. When the Son spoke, the Word of God came out of His mouth and the Spirit that is in that Word created every single thing in the universe.
With that being said, God has set forth Christ again in the plan of human redemption. Redemption is creation all over again and God set forth Christ to speak the Word of righteousness. The same Word that caused every single thing in the universe to exist just by speaking is the same Word that will cause righteousness to exist in a sinner just by speaking! And once righteousness exist in a sinner, that person HAS EVERLASTING LIFE!
Hebrews 11:3 says that “the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”
“Once there were no worlds nor was there any of the material which now composes the worlds. God set forth Christ to declare the word which should produce the worlds and a very material of which they should be composed. He spake and it was. Before he spoke there were no worlds: after he spoke, the worlds were there. Thus the word of God spoken by Jesus Christ is able to cause that to exist which has no existence before the word is spoken and which, except for that word, could never have existence.” (A.T. Jones Review and Herald January 17th 1899)
This is how it is in the life of a sinner. There were no worlds nor any material from which God could use to create a world. There was nothing! No material nor anything before the Word was spoken. So in man’s life there is no righteousness and there is nothing in man where which righteousness can possibly be developed. There is ZERO righteousness in man. Just like there were zero world’s and zero material from which a world can be created.
But just like God set forth Christ’s to declare the Word that caused everything thing in the universe to existence, He set forth Christ in the plan of redemption to speak the Word of righteousness to cause righteousness to exist in man and upon man. And righteousness in and upon man is the one and only reason why he lives for eternity.
Before the Word of God is received by a sinner that sinner has zero righteousness. After the Word of God is received by a sinner that person has the perfect righteousness of God instantly.
The question is how do you receive the Word of God? You receive the Word of God by believing that the Word of God will do what it says and depending on the Word of God only to do what it says. This is exactly how to receive the Word of God. So once you receive the Word of God by believing and depending on that Word to do what it it says, that Word itself produces and creates righteousness into a filthy sinner’s life and that person is no longer filthy, but righteous before God and have everlasting life!
Have you received the Word of God by faith? Have you received the Word of God by believing and depending on it? If so, you have the very righteousness of God and everlasting life NOW! You are a candidate for the 144,000 now!