One of the Most Dreadful Articles Ever Written In Adventism
We’ve been wandering around in this world for over an hundred and thirty plus years since 1888. My whole message, my whole goal, is to get us to recognize this.
Just like if you were talking to a Jew your whole goal and whole message would be to get that Jew to recognize that they crucified the Messiah Jesus Christ. So my whole goal with Seventh-Day Adventist is to get us to realize we crucified the latter rain in 1888.
And since then we’ve been wandering around in this world wondering why Jesus haven’t came back yet. But it is not His fault it is ours. We are the ones who rejected the latter rain and delayed the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Now if we get back to that very message that God sent in 1888 through A.T. Jones and E.J. Waggoner, this will be the generation that will walk off this earth without death. Do you want to walk off this earth without death or do you want to die? Solemn questions and solemn things to think about.
If we do not get 144,000 in our generation living, preaching, and teaching the message of righteousness by faith we are going to die. Like Ellen White’s generation our generation is going to die. Like C.D. Brooks generation (Third Generation of Seventh Day Adventist), our generation is going to die. Until we cooperate with God and allow Him to produce a generation of 144,000 living believers to receive the message of Christ Our Righteousness sent in 1888 we can’t go home. If our generation stall out the 1888 cooperation our generation will meet the same fate of the first, second, and third generation of Seventh Day Adventist — THE DUST OF THE EARTH.
This is a life-or-death message and the generation that don’t get 144,000 to receive it, that generation goes into death. But the generation that finally wakes up and gets 144,000 to receive the righteousness which is by faith, then that generation of believers, 144,000, will receive the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the form of the latter rain. Probation will then close and that generation will see Jesus come!
do you want to be a part of that special group? Do you want to be one of the few that never ever die? Do you want to do something that no other generation have ever done? Do you really want to be sealed among the 144,000?
If yes to all these questions I counsel you to dig deeper into the 1888 message of righteousness by faith and continue to study with us. Leave a comment at the bottom and tell me, “Yes I received the 1888 message of righteousness by faith and I want to learn more.”
Therefore, we can get your information and plug you into our system to take you deeper with us. Thank you and maranatha.