This is the remedy to save your kidneys.
Handful of dry slippery elm innerbarrk. Use the inner bark if you're going to boil it and make a tea. Don't use the powder if you're going to make a tea to drink.
1. Take a handful and put it inside of a quart and a half of water
2. Boil it on a very low flame for one hour
3. To get the best benefits, let it cool down completely, heat it back up, and cook it for another hour on a very low flame adding about a half a quart of water
It's going to look like a strawberry color. This is the best source of slippery elm that you can use. The double boil draws all of its medicinal strength out of the bark.
Drink three to four times a day to fight cancer. This has very high nutrients in it and it has ant i-cancer elements in and of itself
For stage four kidney failure
1. Get a quart size jar
2. 1-3 heaping table spoons of corn silk
3. 1-3 heaping table spoons of Shepard's purse. You can do this with clevers herb as well.
4. 1-3 table spoons of gravel root
5. 1/3 of this jar will be filled with herbs
In the past, individuals have taken these herbs, made a tea, and drank the whole quart, and they noticed that it flushed out the kidneys.
Some people have saved their kidneys when they used this remedy. Individuals who were on the verge of dialysis and also those who were on dialysis itself have actually used this and were made free.
I'm a little bit careful when discussing renal failure because you have a potassium issue that you have to consider. You have phosphorus issues that you also have to consider and if the person doesn't have that kind of faith and your method is not handled the right way you can potentially be in the position of blame if something goes wrong.
But this remedy can be very very very effective though. And one of the key effective herbs in the gravel root is what they call the lipotriptic, corn silk has it too. They both have the ability to dissolve gravel. They can dissolve stones and sludge that builds up in the kidneys. These herbs could prove to be very effective. I would do that if they're not on medication I would use a charcoal poultice on the kidneys while using this tea. I would take that tea one to four times in a week to try to unblock those kidneys this is what a medical missionary would do.