This morning I was studying some things which got me in my feelings. I saw some things in the Testimony of Jesus that brought me down! I saw how many Sabbath-keepers children were in deep sin.
Then the Testimony of Jesus brought out how in some cases children of Sabbath-keepers are worse than children of the world! When I saw this I put down the Testimonies and knew that I needed to go into counseling with my Father. Isaiah 9:6 says,
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
This verse tells us that Jesus' name is Wonderful and Counselor, therefore He's the Wonderful-Counselor! Or He's wonderful in council. So when I saw that the some children of Sabbath-keepers are worse than the world, I had to put the Spirit of Prophecy down and run to the One who's wonderful in council and talk to Him about these things.
I presented Isaiah 1:18 to God because I wanted to talk to Him about real serious things and not sugarcoat anything. I wanted to be real with Him and pour out and open my heart to tell Him about how I was really feeling and what I really thought.
It is written, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
(Isaiah 1:18)
This is the Scripture that I present before God when I need to reason with Him, when I need to talk to Him about things that I don't understand, when I can't understand why certain things are going on. It's a sin to murmur and complain, and I don't want to sin against the Creator, but at the same time I want to really reason with God about things that's going on in my life which I don't understand.
In counseling (prayer) I was communicating with my Father and said, "Father I don't understand how is the children of Sabbath keepers in some cases worse than the children of the world? Father I don't know how we're going to get victory over sin or stop sinning. Father I know you got all power and you can stop me from sinning, but why won't I let you?"
This was the conversation that I was presenting to the Father with an open heart. Not saying that I'm in constant rebellion against the Father, that's not what my prayer was about, but about a victory that is consistent, a victory that is non-stop victory, and walking in impeccable non-stop righteousness before Him!
If anybody say that they have attained unto perfection they are a liar and the truth is not in them.
"If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
(1 John 1:10)
The mysterious part about the walk of the warrior is that the closer you come to Christ the more sinful you would see yourself to be! The sinfulness of our thoughts, the sinfulness of our tempers, the sinfulness of our impatience, the sinfulness of our pride, the sinfulness of our gossip, the sinfulness of our listening to and enjoying gossip. Most people overlook these sins and they are the most offensive to Him because it's hard for Him to reach us when we're in this condition.
But the closer you come to Christ the more hideous will these sins become to you.
So I'm talking to the Father about this and also presenting very carefully, "Father I don't want to be rude and I don't want to complain, but yet I want to be honest. I am not where I want to be in life. I want to thank you for where I'm at, but I'm not where I want to be."
Then the thought came to my mind that it's about survival. My Father was communicating to me about surviving the final generation. I'm not allowed to be sent out there before my time without being fully ready and equipped. We're going for the complete destruction of Satan, not just preaching. And it's a SERIOUS and DEEP preparation that must be accomplished.
These are the ideas that were presented to me when I was communicating with my Father. I used to travel around in full-time ministry. Our team used to get called to preach in different churches, go to youth conferences, and we never had to be worried about reporting to a boss in a job.
These were my full-time hardcore ministry days, but God had to take me out and sit me down. In ministry it's possible to be busy, running around, preaching, and just putting any sermon together. Yes you could miss the voice of God even in full-time ministry!
He had to show me how to run a ministry, because ours went down because of funds. These were valuable lessons that I learned in ministry, but I had to sit down at the feet of Jesus to learn deeper lessons on finishing this work.
Again, as I was communicating with God this morning he told me that it's about survival. Who can survive the final generation?
Who can make it through this world and live through the ceaseless ages of eternity? The Lord said this is what it's about. The Lord told me that He's not dealing with us corporately, but individually. God told ME that He's trying to save ME and he pointed ME to the great sacrifice that was made on Calvary for ME.
The Lord doesn't want to lose ME. And there's only one way to save ME and that's in God's appointed detailed way that He mapped out for ME. Then I thanked my Father for allowing me to present Isaiah 1:18 for my morning counseling with Him.