A.D. Keller
5 min readJun 19, 2021

Time To Learn How To Live Without Depending on the Government

From generation to generation for the last 170 years the people of this world have become more and more depended upon their government for existence. Nearly all people have become dependent on something outside of their own resources for existence.

Again, we have reached a time where nearly every single person on this planet, especially in America, is depended on somebody else for their basic necessities of life. They're dependent on stores for their food and water. They're dependent on an energy system that they pay monthly to get their electricity, and they're dependent on paying a mortgage or rent for shelter.

If we want water all we need to do is go to our kitchen or bathroom and there's water that comes right out of the faucet. If we want energy and heat all we do is flip a switch on and we got our heat and electricity. If we're hungry all we need to do is go to the grocery store and buy food. Everything is handed out to us by someone else. Our whole existence and basic needs of life are controlled by someone else or the government!

Now these things are essential for us to exist in this world. But why are we dependent on someone else to give us our basic necessities of life? Have you ever thought about how did all that food get into the grocery store? How are they in control of food supply? Have you ever thought about how does water come out of your faucet or how does it even get to the faucet? Have your thought about, "how can I get the same food for myself that the store get without going to the store to buy it?"

Stores are able to fill up their shelves with food to sell, but where do they get that food from? Is it possible for you to go to the EXACT same source to get your food and fill up your own shelves where the stores go to get their food and fill up their shelves?

Is it possible for you to figure out where and how the stores and faucets gets their water and for you to go to that same source and get the same water for your family WITHOUT paying for it? Or building the exact same water system on your land that they have on theirs?

When you pay your electric bill have you ever thought about how is this electric company heating my house with electricity? Where does their electricity come from? Have you ever thought about, "I go to the same exact source that this electricity company goes to get their electricity and then channel that same electricity to my own house without paying somebody else to do it for me?"

If you asked a person who lived hundreds of years ago these questions they would look at you like you're crazy! Years ago every single person had their own heating system, their own food store, their own water system, and their own basic necessities of life without somebody having to provide it for him. The rich had better water wells and food supply then the poor. But the poor had in their own backyard their own garden where they get their food from, a well of water, and their shelter. Years ago nobody was depended on grocery stores or electricity companies to exist. They were really living and knew how to live real independent and self-supporting lives!

In this generation we are living in a "so-called" real world. There are people who have college degrees and believe that they're the most educated people on the earth, and yet don't know how to supply their basic necessities without the systems of this world! There's people who have millions of dollars and understand how to build a business, but don't know how to provide their own basic necessities for existence without the systems of this world that the government set up.

They have money to pay their electricity bill, their mortgage or rent, and buy food, but they are without knowledge on how to get these things without the need of money. They have no clue that pretty soon buying and selling in the world will be obsolete unless you have the mark of beast!

"And he causeth all, both small and great, RICH and POOR, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might BUY or sell, save he that had the MARK, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16‭-‬17)

The world has now become dependent on paying someone else for the basic necessities of their own existence. And when you start paying someone so you can exist, this robs you of your freedom. If you don't pay someone for a mortgage or rent you go homeless because you don't know how to set up a home that is not dependent on monthly rent or mortgage.

Therefore, by giving up your independence and paying somebody to do the basic essential things for you (water, shelter, electricity, food) you have now become ignorant on providing for yourself and family the most basic necessities of life and now must be a slave to a 9-5 job to money and pay people so you can exist!

As the end draws near it becomes more and more dangerous to live life like this. What if something happens in this world which says you cannot buy anything or sell anything unless you take the mark of the beast? Unless you take this mark, going to the store to buy food will not be available to you.

Paying your electricity bill to keep electricity in your house will not be available to you. Paying your mortgage or your rent will not be available to you. Why? Because your money is useless unless you have the mark of the beast! But if you know how to do these things yourself and understand how to live and get the basic necessities of life without paying for them, the mark of the beast won't affect you in that way.

God is seeking for men to be filled with divine wisdom on how to provide for their own families. Most people have their jobs providing for their families, but God is looking for people who are willing to let Him teach them how to truly provide for the own families without the need of a job. Most people think providing for a family is making enough money to pay someone else (landlord, electric company, grocery store etc) to provide for your family! What a great deception!

So we want to break this deception with God's help and learn and study about providing for our own families without paying someone else to supply our needs. We're on a journey of learning how to live life under the garden of Eden economy WITHOUT NEEDING TO BUY OR SALE!

So continue to study and keep your eyes open because we're about to study and learn some fascinating information and really become independent of this world.

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