A.D. Keller
3 min readJul 16, 2021

Traffic - The Life and Blood of Your Business

I know a very close friend who spent some time learning a skill in college. They went to Apollo College to learn the skill of massage therapy which is a powerful and amazing skill to learn. My friend learned the skill and became very good at it. But I saw that she didn’t understand how to get traffic, which is people, to her business!

When she graduated she started out working for a chiropractic company doing massages, but quickly figured out that she didn't want to work for somebody else. So she started her own message therapy business on the side. She had some traffic which is business coming in, but it wasn't enough to support herself without the need of a job!

I find it extremely SHOCKING that the school taught my friend a powerful skill, but never taught her the most IMPORTANT of the skills when it comes to business, which is HOW TO DRIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR BUSINESS SO IT CAN HAVE LIFE AND SUCCESS!

My name is Arthur D. Keller and I'm a medical missionary and entrepreneur. A medical missionary is a person who uses natural remedies to heal people. We're very interested in the health of the human body.

With that being said, I heard a powerful entrepreneur named Russell Brunson say, "TRAFFIC is the LIFEBLOOD of any business."

When this thought sunk into my mind, the key to a successful business completely unlocked to me. Also I knew the reason why most people were unsuccessful in business and the key to help them. See, although my friend had a good skill knowing how to do massage therapy and started a business on the side, she was missing something VERY VERY IMPORTANT!

Remember I'm a medical missionary and I study the human body so to illustrate my point, I will correlate my friends massage therapy business to the human body.

I also study the Scriptures and it says in Leviticus 17:11, "The LIFE of the flesh is in the BLOOD." We all understand that without blood our body will not work or even live. So TRAFFIC is the LIFE and BLOOD of the BUSINESS and your business cannot work or even live without it! Traffic is the most important part of your business because it is what causes the business to be alive and work.

So college didn't teach one of my closest friends, who is an entrepreneur, how to get TRAFFIC or people into her business. They did not teach her how to get LIFE in her business.

The tragedy is that this happens with many other people who go to school to learn a skill and want to go into business for themselves. They spend years and years learning and being taught the skill, but never are they taught HOW TO DRIVE TRAFFIC so the business can grow! Isn't that amazing they are never taught the most important part of the business?

If you have blood in your body you have life in your body, but you need that blood to circulate to every part of the body and this is what the HEART was created for. The heart was created to pump blood throughout every part of the human body so it can have life in every part of the body. So your TRAFFIC SOURCE, the place where you get traffic from, is the HEART OF YOUR BUSINESS.

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In our next article we will talk about your Traffic Source which is VERY important. So keep an eye out for it.

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