Use the 2-10-10 on 1 John 1:9. Below are the steps on how to do it.
1. Bow to the Lord in prayer and confess all your sins to Him one by one, asking Him to forgive you for them. (Pray for the minimum of two minutes. Take your phone out and time yourself for 2 minutes. If you're still confessing your sins after two minutes keep going until ALL your sins are confessed) Once you can't find no more sins to confess then go to step two.
2. Say, "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (Say this Scripture 10 times) then go to step three.
3. Say, "Christ by the power 1 John 1:9 has forgiven me for all of my sins and cleansed me from all unrighteousness." (Say this 10 times) and go to step four.
4. Now you have Christ's righteousness put upon you and you are justified by faith. You have everlasting life right now. The 2-10-10 enables Jesus to make you righteous by faith. It enables Him to put His righteousness ON you by faith. Now you need to strengthen your faith by using the 10-10-2. Go to step 5.
5. The 10-10-2 is sanctification by faith. Say, "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (Say this 10 times. This is the same as the 2-10-10 but now Jesus is putting His righteousness INTO you by faith) then go to step 6.
6. Say, "Christ by the power of 1st John 1:9 has forgiven me for my sins and cleansed me from all unrighteousness." Say this 10 times. Then go to step 7
7. Pray for 2 minutes that God gives you strength to resist and overcome sin just for today.
All together you should complete four sets of this program. One 2-10-10 and three 10-10-2's
Once you are made righteous by faith you are set up to now play in the major leagues. You are set up to get an income without the need of a job.
The 2-10-10 is battle skill number 1. It's called the 2-10-10 justification technique.
The 10-10-2 is battle skill number 2. It's called the 10-10-2 sanctification technique.
Mastering these two battle skills is linked with Jesus getting you out of the j.o.b system and becoming a member of Spirit of Prophecy Seal Team 7. The only way out for you is might be by becoming a member of Spirit of Prophecy Seal Team. Because we have certain things that we're working on that is linked with traveling around. And obviously you can't travel around if you're stuck in a j.o.b forever.