Water is extremely important for us to maintain and recover health. Lots of water is the sixth law of health reform and in this study we will look at the extreme importance of this most powerful remedy. Nature itself teaches you the importance of water. Job 12:7 says, "Ask now the beast and they shall teach thee..."
It was a dog that got into a battle with a rattlesnake and the rattlesnake bit the dog on the head. The dog won the battle and after the snake was killed the dog went into the water to relieve itself from the poison that it was injected into his system from the bite of the rattlesnake. For weeks the dog would go in and out the water until it recovered from the poison that it received from the bite of the snake.
Remember Job 12:7 says we can learn from the beast. The dog was actually performing hydrotherapy or water therapy upon itself and that's a powerful thought. Water is not only good on the inside of the body, but it's also powerful in the recovery and maintenance of health when you know how to apply hot and cold water therapy treatments.
It is extremely important that we drink the adequate amounts of water that our body needs on a day-by-day basis. It is important that you understand how much your body needs, because all of us require different amounts of water. The basic way to get how many ounces of water you need on a day-by-day basis is to take your weight and divide it in half. This is how much ounces of water you need on a day-by-day basis to maintain or recover your health.
If I weigh 160 lb I would divide that in two and that's 80 oz of water a day my body would require. If I'm 100 lb I would divide that into two and I will need 50 oz of water a day. If I'm 200 lb I would divide that into two and that means I would need 100 oz of water on a day-by-day basis to maintain my health.
Normally when somebody's recovering their health they probably would need more water depending on their situation and circumstance. Studies show that our kidneys filter close to 50 gallons of fluid on a day-by-day basis. Also more than 2 gallons of digestive juices flow into the digestive tract daily!
Just by looking at these statistics alone we can say with David in Psalm 139:14, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made!"
Nearly all of this water is recycled constantly by the kidneys. We also lose about a gallon of water a day through urination, through our breathing, and through sweating. This is the reason why we need to keep replenishing our bodies with water throughout the day because if we don't our kidneys will not be able to perform their duties in the way God designed them and it will result in kidney disease.
"Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as the clay; and wilt thou bring into dust again?"
(Job 10:9)
"Behold, I am according to thy wish in God’s stead: I also am formed out of the clay."
(Job 33:6)
The fact that the Bible tells us that we are made of clay, and one of the necessary components of clay is water, this shows us that our whole body is made up of water. Let’s just take a quick look at how much water your organs are made of and how dependent upon it we are.
- The brain is about 75% water
- The blood is 83% water
- The heart is 79% water
- The bones are 22% water
- The muscles are 75% water
- The liver is 85% water
- The kidneys is 83% water
Our entire body is so dependent upon water that if we don't get enough of it, the body will not be able to function well and over time sickness will be the result.
The Spirit of Prophecy says, "In health and in sickness, pure water is one of heaven's choices blessings. It's proper use promotes health. It is the beverage which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system and assist nature to resist disease. (Ministry of Healing page 237)
We're told in Inspiration that the proper use of water promotes health. When we drink this freely it helps to supply what the body needs and also empowers the body to resist disease.
Pioneer writings says, "No remedy can more effectually secure health and prevent disease than pure water...French authors on hygiene, speak emphatically in favor of the utility of water in preserving health." (The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 8/29/1865)
Remember we don't use a lot of the new stuff unless it's absolutely good, we use a lot of the 1800 writings. And the Pioneer writings tells us that no remedy could be more effective in securing and preserving health than using pure water! This is amazing because it's so simple and it's so easy! Just drink your water and your health will be preserved, secured, and restored.
Below are five benefits of drinking water.
- Increases energy and relieves fatigue
- Promotes weight loss
- Flushes toxins out of the body
- Improves the complexion of the skin.
- Helps prevent constipation
By now I know you see the extreme importance of water in this simple article. Again it maintains health and also helps to restore it if you lost it. This is the sixth law that our body is dependent upon to keep our health. So take your body’s weight, cut it in half, and drink your daily recommended amount!