What Kind of Plan Is That? Doing Right Instead of Doing Wrong By faith?
The Pioneer said that righteousness is doing right. Doing the right thing instead of the wrong thing that is righteousness. Therefore, when you're under temptation you are tempted to do the wrong thing . And since you're tempted to do the wrong thing what do you need to do? You need to do the right thing, or you need to do righteousness.
But how do you do righteousness? Can you do righteousness in your own strength? you cannot do righteousness in your own strength, but you're under a temptation and it is essential to do righteousness or you're going to do the wrong thing. And the only way to do the right thing or to do righteousness when you're under temptation is by faith! So righteousness by faith perpetuates victory over temptation. Righteousness by faith perpetuates victory over sin.
When you're under temptation you are to exercise faith and Christ righteousness will be imparted to you to perpetuate victory over sin. Christ righteousness imparted to you will enable you to do right or do righteousness in the face of temptation. Therefore, righteousness by faith is the key to victory over sin. Righteousness by faith perpetuates victory over sin.
How does righteousness by faith perpetuate victory over sin? Because righteousness is doing right and not doing wrong, and every time you exercise your faith doing right will be imparted to you, which will keep you from doing wrong. Or righteousness will be imparted to you and righteousness keeps you from doing wrong. If you're kept from doing wrong that is victory over doing wrong, and doing wrong is sin so that is victory over sin.
Again the Pioneer said righteousness is doing the right thing instead of the wrong thing, this is how he defined righteousness. So righteousness by faith, is simply doing the right thing instead of the wrong thing by faith!
And faith is believing that the Word of God will do what it says and depending on the Word of God to do what it says, so righteousness by faith is righteousness by believing that the Word of God would do what it says and depending on the Word of God to do what it says.
Righteousness by believing that the Word of God would do what it says and depending on the Word of God to do what it says is simply doing the right thing instead of the wrong thing by believing that the Word of God would do what it says and by depending on the Word of God to do what it says. THIS IS RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH!
When you believe that the Word of God will do what it says and you depend on the Word of God only to do what it says, this will enable you to do the right thing instead of the wrong thing, for this is righteousness by faith.
Adam failed to do right in Eden under temptation. He should have did righteousness when he was under temptation, but he did wrong and sinned against the Creator. Therefore Adam, Eve, and their descendants cannot do right. It is impossible for them to do right in their own strength. Adam, Eve, and their descendants, if they are left to themselves will do wrong all the way up until their death unless a plan is put into operation to enable and cause them to do right instead of doing wrong or enable them to do righteousness instead of doing sin.
If no plan is put into operation to get Adam and Eve and their descendants to do right, to do righteousness, they have no hope of eternal salvation, because you can't get to heaven doing wrong. Lucifer got kicked out of heaven for doing wrong so what makes us think we're going to get in heaven for doing wrong?
So in order to save them and their children a plan must be put into operation to get Adam, Eve, and their descendants to do right or to do righteousness. And this plan is called THE PLAN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH, or commonly known as The Plan of Redemption. So the plan of redemption, aka the plan of salvation, is the plan of righteousness by faith! The plan to get God's fallen children to do right by faith.
The plan of righteousness by faith is the entire gospel.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith." (Romans 1:16-17)
Do you see how in the gospel God's righteousness is revealed from FAITH to FAITH? This shows you that the gospel or good news is the plan of righteousness by faith! God's gospel is His power to cause us to do right instead of wrong by faith. His power is demonstrated in the life of a sinner and it is this power alone which causes the sinner to do right by faith!