Whatever good works that a man has must be the result of his faith. Faith comes first, then good works will follow. It is his faith that produces his works.
I exercised lots of faith by using the three Biblical ways of exercising faith while I was at my job with Griffith as a press operator. I used the three biblical ways of exercising faith for a full-time income stream without the need of a job. Then, I said to myself, “Something must happen. A key thing, person, or dream must come into my life.
If my internet business is the way that God will use to give me a full-time income stream, a key dream or something must happen to boost my faith in my internet business.” Then ,the next night I had a dream that I was talking to Matt Lloyd about my internet business. He is the founder of the company that I’m in partnership with. In the dream I said to him, “I only get ten rotations on this website for my ad.” He then replied with, “You will never know unless you try it out.”
I will never know if this marketing strategy for my business works unless I try it out.
I recognized then that this was a key dream from God in response to my faith. I then put an ad on this specific website and made over $3,935.41 by faith! Using the three Biblical ways of exercising faith opened the door for God to send the dream. Then, by faith I put the ad on the site and Jesus did the rest of the work!
When I was at work at ZipCeleb, I was exercising faith. Then I asked God if I should get back to advertising for my internet business because I was not certain. The next day I looked and there was a $650-dollar sale! That was how I knew that God wanted me to continue to advertise. I believe in freedom from a job so you can spend full time in ministry doing the work of the Lord.
When I was clocking in at 8am, I was riding the bus to ZipCeleb. Then, I was asked to clock in at 7am. It was then that I knew that I needed a car because I had to clock in an hour earlier. So, I decided to exercise faith. I depended on Philippians 4:19, used the three Biblical ways of exercising faith and Christ by the power of His Word materialized my faith into a car.
My mom was working for her auntie and was given a car to use. This caused my mom’s car to just sit around. Then my mom’s aunt was so persistent in wanting my mom to keep her car that my mom said that I could use her car. This is how by faith God provided me with a car.
I did not focus on the ‘‘how.’’ I left the “how” up to God. I just simply focused on exercising my faith and waited until God’s perfect timing came. I did not focus on the “timing”, I just simply focused on exercising my faith. Unknown to me, God was behind the scenes working things out to honor my faith and produce the car.
When I didn’t have a car, I had another unique experience on the lesson on how to exercise faith. I went to Winco foods to buy some hummus and peanut butter. When I left the store, I knew that I wasn’t going to make it home in time to eat. It was either eat now or eat late. I chose to eat now. I realized that I did not have my apples to eat my peanut butter with. I knew that Winco did not have organic fruit. I was tempted to just eat non-organic apples, but resisted the temptation by saying, “I am a Spirit of Prophecy Seal, I only eat organic foods.” Then, I started exercising faith for me to be provided with a way to get organic foods although no organic store was in my sight.
I started to say, “By the power of His Word, He shall produce a way for me to get organic food. By the power of His word, He shall produce a way for me to get organic food. By the power of His Word, He shall produce a way for me to get organic food.” Then I prayed, “Father you said in John 16:24, ‘ask and ye shall receive’, I ask that you produce a way for me to get organic foods, in Jesus name. Amen.”
Then, I saw a gas station which said, “food mart.” A thought crossed my mind to check if they had organic fruit. I went inside, looked around, didn’t see organic fruit and then left the store. As I was walking, a lady yelled out of nowhere, “Hey do you need a ride?” I looked back and replied, “Yes. I need to get to a store that sells organic foods. Is there a Safeway around here?” I was working in a far out place I have never been before. Then, she asked me, “There is a Fred Myer, would that work? I said “Yes.”
When I got in the car, I asked, “What made you ask me if I wanted a ride?” She said, “You know when something tells you something. Something told me to ask you.” I told her that ‘’something” was the Holy Ghost. I then went to Fred Myer and got my organic apples and ate!
I did not focus on the “how”, I simply trusted the Word of God spoken in John 16:24. I exercised my faith and Christ created a way to produce my organic apples. If you are exercising faith for anything, all you have to do is use the three Biblical
ways of exercising faith and let Christ find the way to bring into your life whatever you are exercising faith for.