Your Spiritual Exercise Program
1. (1 John 1:9) Repent and Christ righteous is put upon you and the gates of the Holy City opens up to you RIGHT NOW! This is very essential because without the imputed righteousness of Christ, your prayers will not be heard. “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” (Psalm 66:18)
Ø You must make sure you have the righteousness of Christ imputed to you so He can hear your prayers and work more fully for you. Every sin MUST be confessed to God and forsaken. This is exercising faith. This is how to receive the imputed righteousness of Christ. This is called justification by faith. (Just-as-if-I’d-never-sinned)
2. Now that Christ’s righteousness is put upon you, you need to KEEEP it on you. You do this by CONTINUING TO EXERCISE FAITH. You continue to exercise faith by finding a promise in the Word and believing that the promise will do what it says and depending on the promise only to do what it says. This is how to receive the IMPARTED RIGHTEOUSNESS of Christ. This is called sanctification by faith.
Ø Write down what you need and want from God. And remember to get the big things ALL BLESSING BLOCKERS (sins) MUST BE REMOVED BY FAITH. Imputed righteousness removes all sin!
Ø Write down what you want and need now.
3. Apply 4 sets of the 10–10–2 to each thing you wrote down individually.
Ø Do the 10–10–2 to get _______________________ (John 16:24)
Here is the way to use the 10–10–2:
1. Open the Bible and quote John 16:24 10 times. Say, “Ask and ye shall receive, ask and ye shall receive, ask and ye shall receive…” Say this 10 times.
2. Then speak faith. Say, “Christ by the power of John 16:24 shall give me a job. (Using the job as an example) You are to say, Christ by the power of John 16:24 shall give me (Whatever you wrote down and need)
3. Then pray for 2 minutes that Christ gives you a job or whatever you wrote down.
4. Repeat steps 1 -3, three more times. The goal is to do four sets in the morning, four sets at noon, and four sets in the evening. Or as much as possible throughout the day.
Ø 10–10–2 to get your blessing blockers (sins) out of the way. Use the 10–10–2 to get victory over any sin you’re struggling with____________________(1 John 1:9)
Plugging this Scripture (John 16:24) in the 10–10–2 is the FOUNDATION of our whole program. (Or any other Scripture. The key is to find a Scripture and exercise faith in it so it can work for you)
“The word of God is the seed. Every seed has in itself a germinating principle. In it the life of the plant is enfolded. So there is life in God’s word.” (Christ’s Object Lessons p. 38)
John 16:24 is the Word of God and the Word of God is the seed. Therefore John 16:24 is the seed. Therefore John 16:24 has in itself a germinating principle. In John 16:24 your job is enfolded. (Again using a job as an example on how to do the for ANYTHING) Faith (10–10–2) will cause John 16:24 to germinate and produce IN VERY SUBSTANCE the THING (job) which that Word speaks.
The 4 Levels of Faith
Level 1. Spiritless incapacity — This means that you don’t know, or you don’t even care that you have the power and the capacity to exercise the gift of faith. You see no value in the gift of exercising faith so you don’t do it.
Level 2. Spiritual incapacity — You are now spiritually conscious, and you know you have the power and capacity to exercise faith, but you don’t know how to do it. You see the value in exercising faith, but you just don’t know how to do it.
Level 3. Spiritual capacity — You understand that you have the gift of faith and you understand how to exercise it, but you have to put forth effort to exercise it. You are putting in a lot of effort exercising faith.
Level 4. Spiritual effortless capacity — You understand that you have the gift of faith and you understand how to exercise it, but you exercise it effortlessly and easily and almost unconsciously. This is when you are getting answers to every prayer that you send up and God is responding to your faith every single time.
Those who have not reached the level of spiritual effortless capacity will not believe that God answers every prayer. Here is a quote to prove this:
“I saw that every prayer which is sent up in faith from an honest heart will be heard of God and answered.” Testimonies vol. 1 p. 121
Here are some Bible texts to prove that when you reach the level of spiritual effortless capacity every prayer you send up is heard and answered and every faith exercised God responds to.
“And all things, whatsoever, ye shall ask in prayer, believing ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22
“What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24
“For every earnest prayer put up in faith for anything, answers will be returned.” Testimonies vol. 3 p. 209
“If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9:23
The goal is to reach level 4 which is spiritual effortless capacity. Once you reach this level you will start receiving many blessings from God because your faith will be in almost unceasing exercise.
You will be exercising faith unconsciously, easily, and effortlessly. The more faith you exercise the more blessings you get.
“The blessings received are proportionate to the faith exercised.” Testimonies vol. 7 p. 274.
This quote basically says that if you exercise a lot of faith you will get a lot of blessings. If you exercise a little bit of faith you will get a little bit of blessings. If you exercise no faith you will get no blessings.
When you reach the level of spiritual effortless capacity, you will be exercising a lot of faith and therefore receive a lot of blessings!
The blind men depended on Jesus only to give them sight and Jesus said that was faith and performed the miracle. That’s how to exercise faith.
Do you need a miracle? Then He says to you, “Believe ye that I am able to do this?” If you say, “Yeah Lord.” Then the Word is spoken to you as verily as it was spoken to the blind men 2000 years ago, “According to your faith be it unto you.”